The CGT wants Pôle emploi to sort more ads on its site

by time news

Posted Sep 13, 2022, 3:50 PMUpdated on Sep 13, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

This is the fifteenth edition, but its results take on another dimension in view of the context of falling unemployment and rising tensions in the labor market on which the executive is basing itself to reform unemployment insurance and to request efforts from Employment center. This Tuesday, the CGT’s National Committee for the Unemployed and Precarious made public a new study on the quality of the offers published on the Pôle emploi site, where there are some 200,000 offers directly submitted by employers seeking employment. workforce, but also 400,000 ads selected from those of 94 partners.

The union has, as on previous occasions, proceeded by survey. Nearly 2,000 offers concerning more than 13 cities, and for the first time the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, were studied by nearly 20 activists. According to their scores, three-quarters do not comply with the law, knowing that in 60% of cases, the problem was noted following contact from the employer.

Some cities more affected than others

This covers various situations, from the duplication of the same offer several times to the existence of “inconsistencies”, in particular with a salary lower than the minimum of the collective agreement or a duration of the contract much lower in reality than that entered in the ‘announcement. Some links do not work when other ads are discriminatory, such as the one found in Tarbes looking for a “man in the field”.

“95% of temporary work companies advertise offers of a month or more when in reality they only offer initial one-week contracts,” notes the union. The explanation is given by an employee of a temp agency contacted by one of the activists in charge of checking the offers who recorded her conversation: “We cannot put less than a month on the Pôle emploi site, otherwise we are blocked but the company only does weekly contracts”. The CGT also notes that “nearly 90% of illegal offers come from digital platforms – Well Job, Hello Work, Job in Tree…”.

In the sample, some cities are more affected than others with less than 60% of offers considered illegal in Dunkirk compared to nearly 90% in Tarbes. Some sectors are more concerned than others, with a strong link with the use of temporary work. The rate calculated by the CGT is more than 95% in construction, and nearly 80% in personal and community services, ahead of transport and industry.

Craft study

At Pôle emploi, these conclusions are disputed, based on a survey of 5,000 offers which concludes at 5% of fraudulent advertisements. “The CGT makes an amalgam between quality and legality”, points out the public operator, underlining that for example the absence of information on the schedule in the event of a part-time offer or the fact of mentioning that a fixed-term contract is renewable is “not a criterion of illegality”. He also notes that between 4 and 11 September more than 48% of offers [des partenaires de Pôle emploi] were rejected and therefore not published”.

“Our study is artisanal but it reveals a problem that must be resolved,” insists Pierre Garnodier, the secretary general of the CGT jobless committee. The organization will again seize the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) of Bercy, which opposed a first dismissal a few months ago. The stakes are high, explains the trade unionist, because “the intensity of the search for a jobless person is assessed according to the number of offers published on the Pôle emploi site”.

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