The Chabad operation in the heart of the burning country

by time news

(Photo: Courtesy of the photographer)

The lively Hanukkah activity held by dozens of rabbis and Chabad emissaries throughout the country of Ukraine was joined this year by a unique auxiliary force: 26 Chabad yeshiva students from around the world who came especially for the days of Hanukkah.

The young men came as part of the ‘Mission Center’ – a program devised by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in which young men go out to help Chabad missionaries around the world during the ‘between times’, and work non-stop in dozens of cities in the country, which has been facing a state of war for almost a year.

In light of the situation, the Hanukkah activities were held this time in a larger format than in previous years, with the aim of encouraging the Jews of the country who need joy more than ever.

The lads traveled around the country with the famous Chabad ‘tanks’, which were decorated in advance with Jewish symbols, and visited the various Jewish communities, even in the most remote places. The lads light Hanukkah candles with the Jews of the communities, distribute Hanukkah kits and donuts, bringing the joy of Hanukkah to many Jews and give a shoulder to the rabbis of the communities.

The great Hanukkah operation is managed by Chabad’s super mission body the Center for Educational Affairs, with the assistance of Rabbi Moshe Kotlersky. The field system is managed by the rescue center of Chabad in Ukraine JRNU.

The Hanukkah activity, at the concentration of Itamar Wolf in Odessa, concluded last night with the lighting of the eighth candle. This brought to an end the huge operation that brought the light of Hanukkah to thousands of Ukrainian Jews.

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