The chairman of Nano Dimension was dismissed but does not accept the results of the vote. why?

by time news

The meeting of shareholders of Nano Dimension that took place sharpens the control struggle against the Murchinson Foundation. The shareholders were asked to vote on the request of the fund, the company’s largest shareholder (5.5%), to remove CEO and chairman Yoav Stern from the board, along with three other directors, and appoint candidates on its behalf.

According to an announcement by the Murchinson Foundation, 92% of the shareholders who participated in the vote approved the removal of Stern from the board of directors. However, Chairman Stern does not accept the result and Nano published a statement according to which: “The majority of the shareholders of Nano Dimension did not vote for the proposal of the Canadian fund Murchinson. Over 90% of Nano Dimension’s shareholders who are not related to Murchinson voted against the Murchinson fund’s proposal or abstained from voting at the shareholders’ meeting.

Nano Dimension reacted today (Tuesday) to the results of the stock meeting with fury. “From the first moment the campaign of the Murchinson and Anson funds was based on lies, disinformation and actions with bad intent. Yesterday’s announcement is just a continuation of the efforts to deceive the shareholders by declaring a ‘victory’ in an illegal meeting, which has no legal validity, and is therefore meaningless.” the company said.

“Without taking into account the shares owned by Murchinson and Anson, the proposals regarding the replacement of directors that they asked to be passed in the vote received the support of about 9.5% of the shareholders. All in all, over 90% of the shareholders of Nano Dimension who are not related to Murchinson and Anson either voted against their proposal or chose not to participate in the mock vote.

“In total, only 12.7% of the shareholders who are not connected to the Murchinson and Anson funds participated in the false vote. The low turnout and the lack of support for Murchinson and Anson shows that our shareholders will not surrender to factors that, in the company’s eyes, are only interested in quick profit at the expense of significant potential long-term value for them .

“The low turnout highlights the flaws in the intensive but selective persuasion efforts of Murchinson and Anson. The invalid partial process and its results – these are exactly the things that the Nano Dimension board of directors warned against and wanted to avoid in order to protect all shareholders. In light of the Israeli courts’ decision to reject the With Murchinson and Anson’s request to shorten the proceedings in order to obtain a ruling before the illegal shareholder meeting on March 20, Nano Dimension shareholders can ignore the voting results published by Murchinson and Anson.”

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