The challenge of training young cardiologists (and others) –

by time news

2023-09-08 13:51:30

by Health Editor

The theme was at the center of the first day of the States General 2023 of the National Association of Hospital Cardiologists

The training of today’s cardiologists is a key element in guaranteeing high standards of care. The problem of their shortage was the subject of a heated debate during the States General of Anmco (National Association of Merician Hospital Cardiologists taking place in recent days in Oreno di Vimercate.
In recent years, in light of constantly changing work scenarios, training has undertaken a process of change accelerated by the new needs that emerged during the pandemic wave, underlined Fabrizio Oliva, President of Anmco and Director of Cardiology 1 Niguarda Hospital in Milan. First the impossibility and then the limitation of travel meant that distance learning courses were rapidly developed which are still a useful tool to be integrated into residential training which nevertheless confirms its added value thanks to direct interaction, which is very more effective in consolidating new acquisitions. However, many critical issues remain in this field which require a clear renewal of training courses. Many events guarantee remote usability (in real time or “on demand”) and practical simulation initiatives are rapidly expanding, offering a guarantee of involvement, “hands-on” knowledge, the acquisition and improvement of specific skills but also of multidisciplinary team-working operations involved in the management of complex clinical scenarios. In this sense, collaboration between different scientific societies could offer added value to “multipurpose” training events.

One of the suggestions that come from our younger members and from our Areas – added Massimo Grimaldi – Designated President of ANMCO and Director of Cardiology at the F. Miulli Regional General Hospital of Acquaviva delle Fonti – are the monothematic courses, which offer the possibility of developing a complete path of knowledge, organized not only in the context of conference events, but also as independent occasions with a web-based theoretical part and in-person practice. Up-grading phases can also be imagined with opportunities to attend reference centers in Italy and/or abroad. This model partly follows the experiences of the courses dedicated to the “next-generation” promoted by the Anmco Study Center which have exploited captivating interactive methods, such as the Gamification of contents and the comparison of learners in a competitive competition that stimulates active participation.

The training of the near future – pointed out Furio Colivicchi – Past President of ANMCO and Director of Clinical and Rehabilitation Cardiology of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome – must also take into consideration other now essential elements, such as the need for “continuous” training also for no longer young professionals, the increase in female doctors, which entails the importance of developing operational models that facilitate the conciliation between work activities, training activities and private life and, last but not least, the growing attention to crucial issues such as sustainability and ‘equity. Ultimately, quality training is necessary, continuous and capable of keeping pace with the exponential growth of knowledge, which can be used by all operators in the sector. Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee heart patients the best possible care, wherever they are and whatever social class they belong to.

September 8, 2023 (change September 8, 2023 | 1:51 pm)

#challenge #training #young #cardiologists

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