The Challenge Riccione is back, 1,700 athletes compete in the triathlon festival –

by time news

A triathlon festival capable of winning over athletes of all ages. Challenge Riccione is back on 8 and 9 May and is ready to rekindle the desire for sport of many fans of the triple. After a year of stoppage, the Romagna Riviera race returns with an already tested formula, capable of adapting to the needs of the moment in full compliance with the anti-covid safety regulations. Over 1700 athletes on the starting line expected over the two days. The sprint triathlon, the junior duathlon and the paraduathlon contest will open on Saturday at the weekend. Sunday the queen race of the event, Challenge Riccione 2021, a medium triathlon that includes 1.9 km of swimming, 92 km of bikes and 21.1 km of running. “It is a legendary route that also crosses the Republic of San Marino in the bike fraction and one of the liveliest races of the Challenge Family circuit, which boasts over 30 events on 5 continents”, the enthusiastic words of the CEO of Challenge Family, Zibi Szlufcik . “I believe that today sport represents the fundamental point from which to startIs instead the thought of the councilor for Sport City of Riccione Stefano Caldari. Mayor Renata Tosi sees the event as an opportunity also for the territory to try to get out of a difficult year and has promised to be present at the start to bring the support of the city to the athletes.

Big names at the start

To give even more energy to the Riccione race a starting list that promises sparks. The bib n.1 male is Sebastian Kienle. The German triathlete, 70.3 world champion in 2012-2013 and 2014 full distance world champion, has chosen Challenge Riccione to get back into the game after several Achilles tendon problems. In addition to him, many other names of international level, from Spanish Pablo Dapena Gonale, to the Austrian Thomas Steger, al belga Peter Heemeryk. Back to defend the title Mattia Ceccarelli which in the 2019 edition was the protagonist of an extraordinary performance. There will be another triathlete from the blue panorama and among the favorites of the event, Giulio Molinari, ready to do battle to take back the podium after the 2018 victory. Not to lose sight either Barnaby Gregory, Italian champion in the middle distance. The women’s race is no exception with a large group of high-level professionals including the Italian medium triathlon champion Marta Bernardi e Ilaria Zane, 2019 Italian champion of Olympic triathlon and at her distance debut.


Challenge Riccione is not just sport. The Romagna event also stands out for its social commitment. Several initiates supported this year starting from fundraising for the association «Il Sorriso di Car-lotta», Created by Giulio Molinari in memory of his wife. For each member of the event, the organizing group has decided to donate one euro to the foundation that is committed to the development of health projects in the territory of Livigno and Alta Valtellina. Molinari and Ilaria Zane were also the Italian spokespersons for the Soles4Souls project, a program carried out by the Challenge Family, which deals with the collection of shoes and sportswear with the aim of giving it a new life. A dedicated collection corner will be present inside the Challenge Family gazebo in the Expo area. Clothes and shoes will then be sent to less fortunate populations and will help promote sport in poorer countries. The 9th of May is the date of another important event supported by Challenge Riccione, all over the world the Wings For Life World Run, a virtual competition that intends to support the Wings For Life foundation committed to funding research into the treatment of spinal cord injuries.

May 5, 2021 (change May 5, 2021 | 18:53)


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