The chemical and plastics sector promotes sustainable innovation for the transformation of the mobility sector Environmental News

by time news

2024-09-26 08:03:25

Plastics Europe, the pan-European association of plastics producers, and SusChem-España, the Sustainable Chemistry Technology and Innovation Platform managed by Feique, hosted the ceremony VII edition of #InnovaPlásticoseach year’s event focuses on the important innovation that the chemicals and plastics sectors provide for the sustainable transformation of the various sectors, analyzing the challenges and opportunities that exist.

This year, in its seventh edition, the day wants to give visibility to projects and solutions that change the present and the future of transportation, also coinciding with the European Mobility Week.

The transport industry is in an important period of innovation for Europe to achieve its decarbonization goals, with the electrification of the car, the development of new fuels, whether of bio or renewable origin, the application of eco-design proposals, energy to maintain its competitiveness and the need to train professionals in the sector as some of the main challenges of this company to transform itself in the coming years. In this context, the R&D&I provided by the chemicals and plastics sector represents an indispensable element in the mobility space, especially when developing clean, sustainable and safe solutions for the future.

The meeting, chaired by environmental journalist Javier Martínez, featured a presentation by Alicia Martín, director general of the Iberian region of Plastics Europe, and Adriana Orejas, president of SusChem-Spain and the Feique Innovation Commission. The VII edition of InnovaPlásticas has had a wide audience following and has brought together those concerned with the transformation of an important sector for Europe, such as transportation, due to its important relevance in terms of emissions, and for its contribution to competitiveness of Spanish and European companies.

In her welcome, Alicia Martín emphasized the importance of innovation to develop new means of transport, and the role that plastics play in this change: “From the production of lightweight components that improve the fuel efficiency of any mode of transportation, to creating solutions for electric and autonomous vehicles, plastics are at the center of the mobility revolution. Both companies face common challenges, such as reducing carbon emissions and consuming resources. Therefore, we must promote spaces for communication and create opportunities for the exchange of ideas, methods and knowledge..”

For her part, Adriana Orejas has demonstrated that sustainable mobility is a multi-dimensional challenge, in which advanced chemistry and plastics are always behind. Likewise, he has valued the collaboration of the public and the private sector to develop advanced materials or alternative fuels, among other technologies: “It allows us to work together to continue to provide innovations that improve the power of cars, reduce their weight, increase their power and safety, boost electricity, reduce emissions and are designed to be safe and sustainable , making a huge difference to the journey. to truly sustainable mobility“.

Next, the round table was held, with the title “The future of mobility is already hereí”, has brought together Ana Núñez, general director of FACYL; Javier Villacampa, Group VP, Innovation and Sustainability of Antolín; Borja Hormigos, PR & Press file of BMW; and Berta Cabello, vice president of CRECEMOS, who has analyzed and shared the company’s projects to promote its sustainable change through innovation and collaboration.

In her speech, Ana Núñez, director general of FACYL, focused attention on the sustainability challenges facing the automotive supply chain: “Ecodesign, resource recovery, water footprint management or competition with big powers, like China or the US, and emerging economies, like Morocco, are challenges that also represent an opportunity for sustainable national development. our language“.

Javier Villacampa, Group VP, Innovation and Sustainability of Antolín, has presented the actions that Antolín is taking to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050: “The introduction of eco-design techniques will allow us to reach 40% of sustainable materials before 2030, using those that can be recycled such as foamed or of vegetable origin, and produced with renewable energy.

For his part, Borja Hormigos, PR & Press Manager of BMW, wants to emphasize the promotion of the shared economy that the German company is doing: “By using responsible materials, recycling and using renewable energy sources, we reduce CO2 emissions from our vehicles. The reason is that, in 2030, these emissions will be reduced by at least 40% compared to 2019 levels.“.

Finally, Berta Cabello, vice president of CRECEMOS, closed the round table by highlighting the importance of having all the solutions to move towards sustainable transport: “Renewable fuels, produced from organic raw materials and waste, are an existing solution and compatible with other alternatives to decarbonize all types of transportation. Its use represents a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions, compared to fossil fuel.“.

After the round table, the leader Javier Martínez ended the day with the main conclusions of the event, emphasizing the important contribution of innovation in chemistry and plastics to accelerate the transformation of the transport sector, and the need to strengthen the competitiveness of all these sectors so that, together, that they can help all of them succeed as much as possible, placing Spain at the forefront of sustainable mobility.

Source: Plastic Europe

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