the Cherubin Okende mystery! – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-08-06 01:37:46

Twenty-three days after the death of former Minister of Transport and national deputy Cherubin Okende, the fog continues to thicken. The Congolese public is chomping at the bit to know the conclusion of the report drawn up by experts following the autopsy. Since nature abhors a vacuum, it’s time for speculation! Some opponents blame this heinous crime on the Tshisekedi regime. The “Fatshists”, themselves, point accusing fingers in the direction of the leader of the Ensemble, Moïse Katumbi. Atmosphere!

Congolese doctors accompanied by experts from South Africa and Belgium proceeded, Thursday, August 3, to the autopsy of the mortal remains of Cherubin Okende Senga. While waiting for the press briefing that the forensic doctors will not fail to organize to disclose the conclusions of their report, some civil society actors seem to question the will of the judicial authorities to bring the truth to light. Take! Take!


Speaker, Saturday August 5, on the program ” He talks » animated by Paulette Kimuntu, the national deputy Léon Nembalemba has remained faithful to his reputation as fanciful. According to him, Cherubin Okende ” been removed from the Constitutional Court. Evidence or clues? Nothing. After having ” absout on the one hand Moïse Katumbi – whose generosity he praises – and on the other, President Félix Tshisekedi, “ Papa Moliere “did not go around the bush in accusing the” services secrets“. Which? The National Intelligence Agency? Military Intelligence (ex-DEMIAP)? The Directorate General of Migration?

With his usual aplomb, Nembalemba ensures that the services kidnapped the former minister. ” After a beating, Okende had a heart attack. This is how the security chief ordered to take his life“. The speaker who qualifies his own statements as speculations didn’t stop himself from hammering in Lingala: “Babomi ye [Okende] na ba-services”. Translation: He was killed by the “services”.

MP Leon Nembalemba questioned by Paulette Kimuntu

A pure product of Zairean-Congolese society, Nembalemba is no different from the vast majority of his compatriots who are content to assert without demonstrating or supporting their assertions. One certainty: twenty-three days after the death of ” Cherubim“, the same questions remain without irrefutable answers. Who sponsored execution by former Minister Okende who was, moreover, Spokesperson for the Together party? Who shot him? What is the motive? We know at this stage that the flight was not planned in the mission of the ” killers« .

On Thursday July 13, the lifeless body of this personality – who was also a national deputy – was found in his SUV from the prestigious Japanese brand “Lexus”, registered 8953AF/19. The vehicle was parked at the entrance to a garage on the heavy road, in the Kinshasa suburb of Kingabwa.


From the Ivorian capital where he was, Moïse Katumbi hastened to shout his ” anger« : « I’m mad. It is a state crime. It’s a political assassination“. The future presidential candidate did not stop there. After demanding the participation of experts, particularly Americans, in the autopsy of the body, he thunders: “ We no longer trust our institutions“. One sentence too many. The other presidential candidate in this case Augustin Matata Ponyo to go one better by denouncing a ” terror regime“. He, too, speaks of assassination. And yet, all the above questions remain unanswered. Some will not hesitate to stigmatize ” ambient commotion » in the camp near Katumbi.

Meanwhile, an audio message is circulating on social media. We hear a child crying hot tears: “ Dad you told us that we no longer want you in the Ensemble“. We will learn that she is the youngest daughter of ” Cherubim who lamented. Well-known journalists – close to the Ensemble party – will be the first to challenge the “authenticity” of this audio.

Sources close to the Okende family will begin to confide. We learned that the deceased never exercised his functions as Spokesperson. Reason: Suspension. He no longer attended meetings of this Party. ” Cherubin was suspected of having maintained contact with Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo. He was considered a traitor“says a family member. “That’s why he flew to Brussels where he spent two months on sabbatical,” he adds.


Moïse Katumbi Chapwe, president of the “Together” party

This same source assures that Okende was determined to take his clicks and slaps. ” He was preparing a press briefing to announce his decision to leave Together“. He reserved the first of this event for the Head of State who was, it seems, to receive him in audience on Saturday July 15. Was he betrayed by his driver and his bodyguard? Mystery!

Communicator of the Sacred Union, Stéphane Balamuange of the site ” Time Is Up “launched, three days ago, a” piste to say the least explosive, not to say disconcerting. He claims to have been fluted by an informant about a real estate dispute between Okende and an unidentified family. The quarreled property would be a stone’s throw from the famous “GB” district in Kinshasa. According to Balamuange, Cherubin had purchased the said building. To the chagrin of the former occupants who did not want to empty the premises in any way. ” Men of Minister Okende organized a punitive expedition by beating the former occupier“. The family had promised revenge. Does this explain it?

Some analysts see, rightly or wrongly, the hand of the inevitable Paul Kagame. The modus operandi is, indeed, unusual. Some see a certain similarity to the explosive situation that prevailed in Juvénal Habyarimana’s Rwanda a few months before the outbreak of the genocide. Question: Was Okende executed by sleeper agents of the master of Kigali just to sow chaos before the presidential election? One thing is certain: the Rwandan satrap – who is in the wrong era – has never made a secret of his resolution to prevent “ Fat to stack again. All this leaves us in a complete fog.

Baudouin Amba Wetshi



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#Cherubin #Okende #mystery #Independent #Congo

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