The chiaroscuro of the 90 days Daniel Noboa is analyzed by five specialists – 2024-03-15 01:45:35

by times news cr

2024-03-15 01:45:35

The Government’s decisions and actions are classified as positive, but insufficient to transform the reality of the country. The President gave way to security planning that is purely military.

EThe country is on the “good path,” said the President of the Republic, Daniel Noboa. during a recent interview in which they asked him for an assessment of his management, since he assumed power on November 23, 2023.

Among the offers he made During the campaign, the president prioritized the solution to insecurity, the generation of young employment, not increase taxes, raise the retirement pension and respect the decision of Ecuadorians on the stoppage of the exploitation and extraction of the ITT.

These actions have had a response, including rectificationsby the first president, upon learning of the reality of the Executive.

Ecuadorians, for their part, maintain their interest in fundamental issues. Thus, according to the pollster Cedatos, security, drug trafficking, job creation, the fight against corruption and political conflict continue to be the issues that generate the greatest concern among citizens. These issues, precisely, we raise for evaluation.

In these 90 days There are advances, pending matters and weak decisions that must be reviewed so that the National Government can provide solutions to the problems that keep Ecuadorians awake at night. (ILS)

Security advances and the Fénix Plan remains without definitions

PHOTO: Specialist. Stalin Sacoto, lawyer and expert on security issues.

The lawyer and expert in security issues, Stalin Sacoto, He pointed out that carrying out a technical evaluation of the Government’s progress in combating insecurity is “complex”, because After 90 days, the thick lines of the Phoenix Plan are still not known and security policies


“Do the analysis of the first three months of President Noboa’s Government It is somewhat complicated because of the security plan, only the name is knownbut not its content, nor what its objectives and strategies are. “This is a weakness.”he sentenced.

He recalled that in addition to the statement of the Phoenix Plan, the little that is known is that it contemplated the provision of modern equipment to the security forces, the strengthening intelligence units and new prisons.

He explained that among the actions undertaken by the Government, the declaration of a state of emergency can be highlighted. “Organized crime groups were identified and declared as terrorists. And has delivered equipment for the National Police and the Armed Forces.”

Sacoto noted that the Government has also begun the restructuring of the ministries with responsibility for security, after the elimination of the Secretariat of Public Security and State, functions that passed to the Interior and Defense portfolios. “The results are positive and favorable for the Noboa Government, but this will have a turning point once the state of emergency ends.””.

He recommended that citizens support the Government, but not because it is President Noboa. “The position of society has to be support for any activity that contributes to generating a safe environment.”

Drug trafficking is a permanent enemy

PHOTO: Analyst.  Mónica Almeida, writer and journalist.PHOTO: Analyst. Mónica Almeida, writer and journalist.

The journalist and writer Mónica Almeida evaluated that the Government’s actions, thanks to decree 110 and 111, have been positive. Although she clarified that “in reality The military already had this planned, because it didn’t happen from one moment to the next. When the conflict escalated, it was decided to apply an extreme measurewhich for the moment has worked.”

Almeida agreed with Stalin Sacoto on the need to return to evaluate the situation in the country once the state of emergency ends.

He warned that among the challenges that must confront the Government, it will be the issue of human rights. YesAccording to the Executive’s own figures, 8 deaths and 9,473 detainees have already been recorded. “If these 9,473 detainees are going to increase the number of prisons; where we know that you have to join a gang to be protected, the problem is not going to be solved“, said.

The independent communicator and journalist pointed out that another issue with weakness for the Government is the work of the Financial and Economic Analysis Unit (UAFE). “I hope the results of the financial intelligence work are presented, because one of the criticisms made of the UAFE is that “These reports do not focus their work on discovering money laundering related to drug trafficking.”.

Almeida highlighted that “Drug trafficking is a permanent enemy, an enemy that does not give up, because it is based on the enormous wealth it generates.”.

He added that “Ecuador is facing a great challenge, but it is not alone in this, because there are several Latin American countries that have the same problem and we must try to break the vicious circle.”

He asked citizens to be “more aware of all the dangers of this warthat people understand that this money and these illicit activities, if they continue as they are, will end up eating away at the country.

Corruption: between progress and lack of transparency

PHOTO: Academic.  Luis Verdesoto, former anti-corruption secretary.PHOTO: Academic. Luis Verdesoto, former anti-corruption secretary.

The academic and former anti-corruption secretary, Luis Verdesotoindicated that on the issue “exclusively” of fight against corruption there is evident progress in these first 90 days of government of Daniel Noboa.

“Fundamentally in the reconfiguration of the legal apparatus of the EMCO public company coordinating company by eliminating all legal bases”, he noted.

He explained that all these corrupt actions began during the presidency of Rafael Correa, continued in the administration of Lenín Moreno and were refined under Guillermo Lasso. “There has been an appropriate reaction which has been to eliminate this entire legal apparatus”.

From your point of view Progress remains to be made in consolidating the prevention, combat and forensic audit systems in each of the public companies. He noted that by reducing the number of public companies it is more “viable to be able to do so.”

Verdesoto pointed out that a financial and forensic audit process must be developed for the State oil company, to CNEL and Celec. “There is still a pending issue in the country.”

He also described as progress that so far no acts of obstruction of the investigations and actions undertaken by the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and the State Comptroller General’s Office (CGE) have been recorded. which “shows a will so that the fight against corruption can take place”.

He recommended that the Government avoid the secrecy with which some issues have been handled. “There is a differential element and Public opinion has the right to know what is being done to prevent corruption and the achievements that may occur.. That would be what the Government must begin to improve, to improve transparency“, said.

First ‘weak’ step to generate employment

PHOTO: Authority.  Jaime Carrera, director of the Fiscal Policy Observatory.PHOTO: Authority. Jaime Carrera, director of the Fiscal Policy Observatory.

The director of the Fiscal Policy Observatory, Jaime Carreraexplained that the Government of Daniel Noboa in its first 90 days has made some “positive” proposals for job creation and to improve investment in the country.

But those intentions need much more to materialize.if there is not a favorable environment for investment,” said the economist, who recalled that the Job creation is “directly linked to investment and a favorable environment the friendly one to invert”.

He noted that, currently, Ecuador does not have this friendly environment for investment, given the fiscal imbalance, the unviability of public accounts and “legal” and citizen insecurity.

For Carrera, due to “fiscal infeasibility, any attempt to generate work has this negative element, which is fundamental. Another element is insecurity, which also threatens investment.”

If there is no legal certainty and if the institutional infeasibility of the State continues, it is very difficult for any law that promotes job creation, can be realized,” he warned, indicating that Ecuador has to “do a lot to bring capital from outside and that involves being more competitive with the world.”

He specified that It is important that the Labor Code be updated in the country, warning that the constitutional reform proposed by the president in this sense, “it is just a very weak and initial step a very long road to generating work and employment.

A forceful step for the transformation of Ecuador, according to Carrera, “is a national agreement, of the entire society in the direction of understanding that it is good to generate wealththat we need to grow at high rates and sustainability in public accounts. We need a change of behavior in society.”

The pact with Correismo will cause wounds

PHOTO: Academic. Pablo Guerrero Martínez, lawyer.

The lawyer and academic, Pablo Guerrero Martínez, pointed out that The first 90 days are framed in an internal armed conflict that focuses the citizens’ vision on security and the fight against organized crime.

The rest becomes a discourse of the political castepeople are not concerned about the agenda of Parliament sessions, but about how the internal armed conflict is going and there is a great distance from what people perceive, with that political caste that is trying to maintain a pact and that seeks the opportune moment to find the legal and artificial mechanism that makes it possible for the fugitive from justice, Rafael Correa, return,” he warned.

An example of this is what happened on February 22, 2024 with the reform of the Organic Code of Criminal Procedure (COIP), a discussion that was suspended due to the lack of a quorum in Parliament.

Guerrero added that “In these 90 days the Government has done nothing on the underlying issues, what is it like to recover and “rehabilitate national unity beyond war”.

He specified that it is also important to reconstruct the historical and legal personality. “One of the great problems of the country, justice feeds back to the worse on the crisis of insecurity and drug trafficking. They are useless gestures, very dramatic, very histrionic and political gestures are taking shape, but not very effective.”

The academic highlighted that if the Government’s letter of presentation is the internal armed conflict, “It can become a boomerang fed by a corrupt justice system and a legal system prone to crime”.

He warned about the consequences that persisting in the pact with Correism may have for the Government. “The pact that is subject to the impunity of political partiesformer rulers like Revolución Ciudadana, “It is a pact that is going to cause havoc to the Government itself.”

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