The Chief of Staff at the Emergency Conference: “Going into a struggle that has not been the same for years” | Watch

by time news

The keynote address tonight (Tuesday) at the emergency conference at the nation’s buildings, which is attended by over a thousand rabbis and judges from Israel and around the world in protest of the destruction of Judaism and severe damage to Kerem Yisrael, was delivered by Chief Rabbi Yosef Yosef. Like him, rabbis called “rabbis” come and show a wrong face. “

Maran said emphatically, “We declare that the halakhah has been discontinued according to the opinion of the Shulchan Aruch and not mercy and peace like others. The Minister of Religions consults with small rabbis who confuse his mind. He needs to recover.”

The rabbi added that the minister of religions, “should understand that all rabbis of Israel trusted him, kosher conversion he should leave these small rabbis and come to great rabbis. Rabbis of cities rabbis of communities.”

The rabbi attacked the “rabbis” who advise him on how to destroy Kerem Yisrael. .

The rabbi hinted at one of the “rabbis” who reveals a face incorrectly, “There is a famous rabbi who does not believe enough that they will leave the church and the main thing is that they will perform a kiddush after they go to the sea. I do not believe my father was shocked.” “A great shout is raised as to how it is possible to reveal one’s face in the Torah incorrectly. All the circles here are black and crocheted kippahs from the land and the world.

The chief rabbi clarified in his remarks, “I think those minority rabbis in the minority if they convert there is no validity to this conversion. Any resident who converts without receiving mitzvos we will not accept him. “Go after small rabbis, recover. What you destroyed in kosher do you want to destroy in conversion as well? Repent.”

Photo: Kol Chai

Photo: Shlomi Gil

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