The child who fell ill this morning at school is in serious condition in intensive care

by time news

The hours of waiting that the people are experiencing are dramatic. gparents of the six-year-old boy who lost consciousness this morning at lunchtime, in the Bianca Maria Visconti elementary school and who is now hospitalized in serious conditions in the Intensive Care Unit of Papa Giovanni 23° Hospital from Bergamo.

His class, a first year, had just entered the canteen, on the ground floor of the school in via Giuseppina, when the little boy would have had a vomiting attack. One of the teachers then accompanied him upstairs to clean him up, but then the unthinkable happened. The child fainted, collapsed to the ground and did not respond to attempts to revive him. His parents, who live in the area, were immediately called, then the emergency medical service, medical car and ambulance, which arrived immediately, given the proximity of the school to the hospital. Attempts to revive him lasted at least half an hour, while in the meantime he had been the air rescue service was also alerted. Once landed on the lawn behind the school, the child was intubated and transferred to the hospital in Bergamo.

That something very serious was happening was immediately clear this morning shortly before 1pm to those who were in Via Giuseppina: in addition to the medical assistance, Four police cars arrived with sirens blaring and a large number of people crowded in front of the school. Among them were many understandably worried parents. Among the first to arrive was the director of the Cremona4 comprehensive institute Barbara Azzali.

All the school staff were shocked by what happened. The students were held in the canteen, which is located right in front of the entrance to the school building, during the commotion inevitably caused by health workers and police officers. When the operations were concluded, assistants and teachers they managed to restore normal school activitiesdespite the anguish of the circumstances, until 4:15 pm when school ended. That school also hosts the child’s little sister, who attends the second grade.
Juliana Biagi

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