The Children and Families Agency announces the amount collected by annual income for “Child and Childcare Support Fund”! Will you collect 1,000 yen per month with an annual income of 6 million yen? | MONEYIZM

by time news

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On April 9, the Children and Families Agency announced a trial calculation of the amount to be paid by income when collecting “Child and Childcare Support” from citizens in order to secure financial resources to counter the declining birthrate.

The support funds are expected to be collected in addition to public medical insurance, starting in stages from fiscal 2026, and are expected to collect around 1 trillion yen in fiscal 2028.

*The content of this article was created based on information as of April 10, 2024, and may differ from the current content.

The amount was much higher than originally reported, and the people screamed.

The monthly contribution amount according to income is as follows.
(In the case of employee insurance for company employees and public servants)

Annual income 2 million yen
∟2026: 200 yen, 2027: 250 yen, 2028: 350 yen
Annual income 4 million yen
∟2026: 400 yen, 2027: 550 yen, 2028: 650 yen
Annual income 6 million yen
∟2026: 600 yen, 2027: 800 yen, 2028: 1,000 yen
Annual income 8 million yen
∟2026: 800 yen, 2027: 1,050 yen, 2028: 1,350 yen
Annual income 10 million yen
∟2026: 1,000 yen, 2027: 1,350 yen, 2028: 1,650 yen

Please note that the tax is collected on individuals rather than households, so if you are in a household where both parents work, you will need to pay for two people. In addition, as of April 10, no estimates have been made regarding the amount to be paid by self-employed people and elderly people aged 75 and over who are enrolled in the National Health Insurance System.

Initially, the government did not estimate the exact amount to be collected based on income, and explained that the amount of support payments would be “just under 500 yen per month.” However, actual calculations revealed that some people earn more than 1,000 yen per month, depending on their income.

The reason why the estimate was much higher than 500 yen is that the original figure was the burden per person and was calculated after including dependents such as children and full-time housewives who do not receive support. It appears that there has been a difference in the amount of burden per insured person announced this time.

Regarding estimates by annual income, Children’s Policy Minister Ayuko Kato said at a press conference on the 9th, “Although it is difficult for the government to make an accurate estimate because it will depend on wage levels several years from now, we would like to use the actual results for fiscal 2021 as a reference. “I showed a mechanically calculated number of total compensation.”

This is a topic where information is constantly changing, and future developments are attracting attention.

Yasuya Sawada

I am active as a writer mainly in Yokohama, Kanagawa. Currently, I am studying the financial field for my future, and in January 2023, I obtained the FP3 level, and am currently striving to obtain the FP2 level. We strive to create articles that are easy to understand so that even those who are not familiar with financial knowledge can quickly solve their problems.

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