The children of Israel excel in the time devoted to gaming

by time news

Almost every home knows the phenomenon: Children and teenagers spend hours and hours playing on the computer and active on social networks. A new study now confirms that Israeli youths do sit in front of screens for a long time – more than boys their age around the world.

Israeli students “star” in first place in an international table of 20 countries in the amount of time they devote to computer games. Our youth ranked seventh in social media usage. This is according to an international study called “Childhood Worlds 2022” which is being published these days.

The study was conducted in 2021 and 2022, the years of Corona, among 23,803 children between the ages of seven and 15, as mentioned in 20 countries in the world. The research in Israel was conducted under the leadership of Prof. Asher Ben-Arie from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Harob Institute, Dr. Dafna Gross Manos from Tel Hai Academic College as well as Dr. Hanita Kosher and Yuli Kathain-Meiri from the Hebrew University.

The findings show, as mentioned, that Israeli students led the ranking of the use of computer games. 65% reported that they engaged in gaming for more than five days a week, compared to a global average of 50%. After the students of Israel, the boys of Italy and Russia were ranked.

63% of Israeli students reported using social networks more than five days a week, while the global average is 58%. As mentioned, Israel was ranked seventh. Dr. Gross Manos said that the data are disturbing: “A lot of use of screens can create cognitive problems, behavioral problems, as well as attention and concentration disorders. Among teenagers, the risk of depression and anxiety increases.”

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