the Church does not have a political agenda –

by time news

2023-09-02 15:16:23

by Gian Guido Vecchi

Bergoglio on a visit to Mongolia addresses the small Catholic community: The Lord Jesus did not send his people to spread political thought. Any reference to neighboring China is not purely coincidental

From our correspondent in ULAN BATOR – Our Lady of the landfill is in the small cathedral of the Mongolian capital, they bring it to her and Francis makes the sign of the cross, touches it with his hands and blesses it. Sometimes diplomacy is made up of small signals. Like when Bergoglio addresses the small Catholic community of Mongolia – fifteen hundred faithful, in the end they take a picture with the Pope, and the first time that a whole Church enters in one click, the missionary father Ernesto Viscardi pointed out – and explains that the Lord By sending his followers into the world, Jesus did not send them to spread political thought, but to testify with their lives to the novelty of the relationship with his Father, who became “Our Father”, thus triggering a concrete fraternity with every people. Any reference to neighboring China not purely random. Already in the letter that accompanied the first, historic provisional agreement between the Holy See and Beijing on the appointment of bishops, in 2018, the Pope reassured the Chinese authorities by inviting Catholics to be good citizens who fully love their homeland and serve their own country.

No political interference. The Church that was born from Jesus’ mandate is a poor Church, which rests only on genuine faith, on the disarming and disarming power of the Risen One, capable of alleviating the suffering of wounded humanity, Francis says in the cathedral: This is why governments and secular institutions have nothing to fear from the evangelizing action of the Church, because she does not have a political agenda to pursue, but only knows the humble power of God’s grace and of a Word of mercy and truth, capable of promoting everyone’s good. The cathedral built in ’96, after the fall of communism and the return of the missionaries, designed as a ger, the circular tent of nomads in the Mongolian steppes. Some Chinese faithful also arrived in the square, from Hong Kong or on tourist visas, dialogue with Beijing is always tiring and bishops and priests from mainland China have so far not been allowed to join the Pope for tomorrow’s Mass. Next to the altar is that wooden statuette of Mary that a woman from Darhan, a small city in the north of the country, found about ten years ago while she was looking for something to eat or sell among the rubbish. Mrs. Tsetsege, mother of eleven children, non-Catholic and did not understand who the statue depicted, but she was impressed and brought it to her by her, this beautiful lady wanted to come and live in my tent. They explained to her that she depicted the Madonna of Christians and she then donated it to the local parish. When they told him the story, the missionary bishop Giorgio Marengo, whom Francis wanted to make cardinal last year, had the statue brought to the cathedral of Ulan Bator, I immediately thought that the Virgin, through this discovery, wanted to tell us some thing, and told the Pope about it.

in front of the statue found in a landfill that the cardinal consecrated Mongolia to Mary on 8 September last year. Today, in a ger set up outside the cathedral, Ms. Tsetsege met Francis. The Church presents itself to the world as a voice in solidarity with all the poor and needy, it is not silent in the face of injustices and with meekness it undertakes to promote the dignity of every human being, the Pope explained in the cathedral: beautiful statue of the Immaculate: she, spotless, immune from sin, wanted to get so close as to be confused with the rejects of society, so that the purity of the Holy Mother of God emerged from the dirt of the rubbish.

September 2, 2023 (change September 2, 2023 | 3:15 pm)

#Church #political #agenda

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