The CIS insists on Sánchez’s victory amid the controversy over the amnesty

by time news

2023-09-21 20:57:47

Neither the amnesty nor the controversy opened by this possibility would harm the PSOE according to the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). If general elections were held today, the PSOE would not only increase compared to the general elections (where they obtained 33%), but they would even increase their electorate by 0.5 percent. Furthermore, Pedro Sánchez would be the winner of the general elections with 33.5 percent of the votes.

In second position and only 1.8 points would be the Popular Party – winner of 23J -. They would garner 31.7 percent of the votes. Although the socialists would have the most votes, the popular ones rose positions and would garner five tenths more than in the general elections. The third most voted force would be Sumar, with 11.9 percent of the votes, although they are already falling, four tenths less than in the general elections. Vox would be the fourth political party and would achieve 11.1, up to 1.29 less than in the general elections.

The last CIS barometer, from July 13, before the elections, placed the PSOE 1.4 points ahead of the PP, seven tenths below what the socialists achieved at the polls. For the popular ones, the barometer calculated less support than what was finally achieved. Compared to the 29.6 predicted by the poll, he garnered 33.05% of the votes, 1.3 points behind Pedro Sánchez. Vox, the institution directed by José Félix Tezanos, also gave a low rating. He got 12.39 percent of the votes, and the barometer gave him 11.7. For Sumar, 15.5% of the votes were expected, and the opposite happened. He managed only 12.31.

According to the survey, Pedro Sánchez would be the favorite of the Spanish people to be president of the Government with a score of 29.7, above the popular Alberto Núñez Feijóo who is chosen for 20.7.

Among voters who voted in the general elections, only 21 percent say they are satisfied with the result and up to 35.8 percent admit that they do not like the result and would prefer a repeat election. However, 35.3%, although they are not happy with the result, assure that the elections should not be repeated because they do not agree with the current panorama.

Among those who did not vote in the general elections, 23.9 admitted that they did not inspire confidence in any candidate, while 13.1 did not feel represented by any politician and 10.7 did not believe in politics or had no interest. .

#CIS #insists #Sánchezs #victory #controversy #amnesty

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