The city on him is the new single from La Representative di list

by time news

The city on top of you is the new single from The List Representative, available for Woodworm/Numero Uno/Sony Music Italy at this link.

With this new song the singer, actress and author Veronica Lucchesi and the multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer Dario Mangiaracinacontinue the journey towards their new album, details of which have not yet been revealed, inaugurated with the release of Paradiso last spring.

The city on top of you it is a song that is part of the long sonic journey of LRDLwhich began 13 years ago: a seamless journey, with a clearly recognizable sound, but always in search of new musical evolutions and poetic and thematic insights. LRDL continues to explore human emotion and relate it to the world: ne The city on top of you the verse, secret and personal, tells of an intimacy that then explodes in the chorus with the pain and nostalgia that have repercussions on the social and cultural discomfort of the city.

The city on top of you – they say Veronica and Dario it is a video game in which the protagonist is imprisoned. The city, as well as certain social patterns, as well as certain of our thoughts, can be a cage, it can force you into the same dynamics, reiterate the same models, put you face to face with the same monsters on a daily basis. It is when we already feel defeated, despite fighting, that we find ourselves mute, with our desires torn to pieces, not listened to, misunderstood. And the city reflects nothing other than this defeat. This song is a starting point, it is a pretext to also talk about other situations in which we felt incorporated, devoured. One moment happy, the next imprisoned with freedom denied, our choice controlled, our peace bombed.”

And they continue:

“It’s about when you feel a turmoil inside, when you find yourself inside a vortex and the confusion is reflected in the perception of what surrounds you: even the city, with its stimuli and its beauty, can collapse on you, it can be a weight that adds to what you feel inside. Making music saves us anyway. Searching for beauty, finding a way to resolve those inner turmoils, flying by exploiting the dangerous vortices that pass through us, resisting the impulse to throw ourselves down, loving, giving ourselves the chance to build, we always look for the poison and its antidote in our music.” .

These are themes that have always recurred in de’s poetics The List Representative and who find in this passage further food for thought: a research, thematic and emotional, which for LRDL it always goes hand in hand with the musical one. Not too The city on top of you you recognize the sound of The List Representativewhich constantly evolves, returns to draw from other musical eras but also from its previous works and catapults itself into the future, always sounding contemporary. And it is this sound that we will also find live on the tour LRDL is preparing for autumn 2024.

LRDL 2024 TOUR will in fact report Veronica Lucchesi and Dario Mangiaracina on the stages of Italian super clubs starting from November, together with the musicians who have accompanied them live over the years and who – bringing studio and live activities closer together – have also been involved in the recordings of the new recording material.


November 4 – Trento (Sanbapolis) DATA ZERO

November 6 – Firenze (Cartiere Carrara Theatre)

November 7 – Napoli (House of Music)

November 8 – Molfetta, BA (Hermitage Club)

November 12 – Carpi, MO (Municipal Theatre)

November 13 – Milano (Made)

November 15 – Padova (Hall)

November 22 – Venaria Real, TO (Concordia Theater)

November 23 – Bologna (Tarragon)

November 29 – Roma (Atlantic)

December 2 – Palermo (Candelai) SOLD OUT

December 3 – Palermo (Candelai) SOLD OUT

December 4 – Palermo (Candelai)

Pre-sales for LRDL 2024 TOUR – produced by Magellan Concerts e Whodo Agency – are available in the usual circuits.

Source: LRDL communications manager – ABOUT Srl

Lucia Santarelli

Marketing and Promotion Manager NUMBER ONE (Sony Music Italy)

Giorgia Aldi

Marketing and promotion manager MAGELLANO CONCERTI

Francesco Colombo and Tatiana Lo Faro

Management – WOODWORM

Marco Gallorini and Elisa Pace

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