The claim for wage increases focuses on May Day

by time news

2023-05-01 11:39:50

This May Day is once again marked by inflation and the demand for a wage increase in line with the rise in prices. The workers will also demand the fair distribution of business profits and the strengthening of public services. The unions agree on the demands but, as usual, only CC OO and UGT attend the meeting together. On that occasion, in addition, to the traditional division between the confederate centrals and the nationalists is added an open war between ELA and LAB, which have had a harsh exchange of accusations in recent weeks.

In this climate of tension, the general secretary of ELA, Mitxel Lakuntza, has once again expressed his chest that the Basque Country concentrates 56% of the strikes in Spain, a success that he attributes to the union and that he considers key to achieving “more and better agreements ». Hence his motto is ‘Borrokan, irabazteko’ (In the fight, to win). In this sense, he has boasted that “when ELA is not there, the salary increases are half”, a statement that connects with the accusation made by Lakuntza in a recent interview, when he reproached that “LAB, CC OO and UGT have an alliance to defuse conflicts and neutralize them.

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On behalf of LAB, its general secretary, Garbiñe Aranburu, has also highlighted the high concentration of strikes in the Basque Country as a sign of a greater mobilization of workers. But they have claimed that their headquarters not only fight for better agreements but also for a socio-economic change in the territory with priorities such as a minimum wage of 1,400 euros, a supplement to pensions of up to 1,080 euros and the articulation of a public community care system. .

CC OO and UGT have highlighted the achievements achieved in Euskadi with the signing of agreements such as home help or Bizkaibus. Also what has been achieved at the national level such as the increase in the minimum wage, the labor and pension reform, the improvement of unemployment benefits and the Minimum Vital Income (IMV). But its general secretaries, Loli García and Raúl Arza, have assured that much remains to be done so that wages reflect the rise in prices and the loss of purchasing power is avoided.

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The two centrals carry the motto on their banner this year ‘raise wages, lower prices, distribute benefits’. In their messages, the general secretaries have recalled the importance of the elections on May 28 and the need to strengthen public services in the Basque Country as well as to reduce the temporality in this area.

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