The CNMC agrees to the rotation of a director to the Supervision Chamber to ensure its operation

by time news

2023-09-05 16:50:53

The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has agreed in its plenary session this Tuesday the rotation of the director Josep María Salas Prat to the Regulatory Supervision Chamber to ensure its operation, after the death of the vice president of the organization, Ángel Torres, last August.

The CNMC has communicated that this “exceptional” measure and the new composition of the rooms will be published in the Official State Gazette and on its website.

The CNMC Council consists of two rooms, one dedicated to competition issues and the other to regulatory supervision. After the death of the vice president of the CNMC, Ángel Torres Torres, on August 19, and the dismissals due to expiration of the mandate of the directors María Ortiz Aguilar and María Pilar Canedo Arrillaga on August 23 and July 26, the Regulatory Supervision Chamber was made up of only two members.

This circumstance prevented, affirms the CNMC, the “valid constitution” of the room for the purposes of articles 18.4 of Law 3/2013, of June 4, and 6 of the Internal Functioning Regulations of the body, which has forced the CNMC to agree to the rotation of a member of the Competition Room, currently made up of five representatives, to the Regulatory Oversight Chamber.

Exceptional Measure

The rotation of director Josep María Salas Prat to the Supervisory Chamber occurs as a “exceptional measure” to guarantee the functioning of the chambers, as provided both in the general rules for the rotation of directors between chambers and in the law creating the CNMC.

In line with the provisions of the general rotation mechanism, the Plenary has considered it appropriate that one of the two directors with the longest seniority in the Competition Chamber should now rotate and, among them, the one that has been drawn by lot.

In addition, the premises of being a director who has been in the room for more than two years and who has not previously rotated are also met, the CNMC specifies.

This is the third rotation produced in application of the current general rotation rules, after those of October 6, 2022 and December 20, 2022.

In this way, as of this Tuesday, September 5, the Competition Chamber will be made up of Carlos Aguilar Paredes, María Jesús Martín Martínez and Bernardo Lorenzo Almendros, and the presidency will correspond to Cani Fernándezpresident of the CNMC.

On his side, the Regulatory Supervision Chamber will be made up of Xabier Ormaetxea Garai, Pilar Sánchez Núñez and Josep María Salas Prat, and the Presidency will temporarily correspond to the most senior director of the chamber, in this case Xabier Ormaetxea Garai.

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