The CNMC reviews the hourly electricity bill after detecting that it encourages consumption when electricity is more expensive

by time news

2023-06-17 01:56:35


The regulator is working on adjusting the current toll model that drives demand at night, the strip with less cheap energy in the system

Cani Fernndez, president of the CNMC.J.J.GuillenEFE

Changes in the offing for the electricity bill. The National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) is reviewing the current structure of tolls, a type of regulated costs that consumers pay through their electricity bills, according to various sources in the sector consulted by EL MUNDO, after detecting that the current model, by time slots, pushes consumption during the night, the period in which light begins to be more expensive due to the growing penetration of renewables, especially photovoltaics, in the national energy mix.

The current model established a structure of tolls by hourly sections, in which consumers pay the most expensive prices in the hours of greatest consumption, while the cheapest coincide with those sections in which the demand for energy is lower.

Thus, three charging periods were established. The peak section, with the highest price, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. The flat period, with an intermediate price, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. And the valley section, with reduced tolls, from 0:00 to 8:00, also applicable throughout the whole of Saturday, Sunday and on national holidays.

The structure of the tolls, an item intended to recover the costs of the electrical networks, is part of the sphere of competence of the CNMC. While the Ministry for the Ecological Transition is in charge of the structure and values ​​of the charges, an item that brings together other regulated costs such as the payment of the debt of the electrical system or the financing of renewable energies. When establishing the first ones, the body that presides Fernndez dogs must, by law, take into account the energy policy guidelines set by the ministry.

The current toll methodology was published at the beginning of 2020, as official sources from the CNMC recall, indicating that, although in general, the established methodology is reviewed every six years, it may be reviewed in the middle of the first regulatory period. And they qualify: “In any case, as is logical, it is not possible to anticipate any results from the revision of the time periods prior to the analysis“.

Sources of the department that directs Teresa Ribera They assure this medium that the CNMC is aware, and this has also been reported to the regulator from the ministry itself, that the current toll methodology boosts consumption at times when electricity is going to be increasingly more expensive. , within the framework of an increasingly green energy map. Sources close to the regulatory body confirm that the technicians of the supervisory body are analyzing the matter and are already working on a circular in this regard.

The new PVPC, in 2024

The Government approved on Tuesday in the Council of Ministers the new regulated tariff, the so-called Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC). This is a requirement that the European Commission imposed on the Government as a condition for approving the Iberian exception in March 2022.

The new regulated tariff does not seek to lower the cost for the end user, but the scares, introducing a price formation mechanism that reduces volatility by cutting the weight of the daily market price and indexing the receipt to a basket of futures, or what which is the same, at the price of light provided for different time horizons. In detail, 10% correspond to the monthly price, 36% to the quarterly price and 54% to the annual price.

The idea is that this term component be reviewed each month, which will progressively gain weight in the final calculation and to the detriment of the daily reference, which go from assuming 75% of the final price in 2024, to 45% in 2026. For consumers, the new regulated receipt will enter into force on January 1, 2024.

In addition to the change in the calculation methodology, the reform excludes SMEs and official organizations from the regulated rate, that is, in addition to residential customers, only micro-enterprises will be eligible for the PVPC after certifying that they are with a responsible declaration.

What in Spain is known as PVPC is a dynamic rate, indexed to the market, which all the marketers with more than 200,000 customers are obliged to pay. This is an alternative to the fixed rates offered by electricity companies and which, although they reduce volatility, are also more expensive under normal conditions, since they include a premium for stability. Currently, there are about nine million consumers covered by the PVPC.

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