The coalition negotiations: Deri is on the way to the Treasury; this is the case that will be offered to Smotrich

by time news

The coalition negotiations continue, and according to the picture of the top files, Shas chairman Aryeh Deri will serve as finance minister. According to the dynamics in the coalition negotiations, Bezalel Smotrich is getting closer to the security portfolio. Torah Judaism insists on keeping the Israel Lands Authority in the Ministry of Housing. In the meantime, the meeting between the Likud and the Otzma Yehudit party began.

However, in Likud there was an initiative to propose that Smotrich serve as interior minister and leave the security portfolio in the hands of Likud, with the leading candidates being Yoav Galant and Avi Dichter, but it is not yet clear whether the idea is acceptable to Smotrich.

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Benjamin Netanyahu entered the meeting as part of the coalition negotiations (Photo: Avshalom Sassooni)

As a reminder, yesterday it was reported that according to the sources familiar with the details, Smotrich’s biggest and real demand is the Israel Lands Authority. He is willing to serve as Minister of Transportation, but only on the condition that the Israel Lands Authority is transferred to this ministry from the Ministry of Housing.

In Torah Judaism, they demand: an additional ministerial case for a parochial MK

In Torah Judaism, they are now demanding an additional case for MK Parosh, this following the Likud’s announcement that the key will be a minister for both MKs. In addition, they also demand the chairmanship of the finance committee for MK Gafni and a deputy minister in the capacity of minister or chairman of a large committee for Yaakov Asher or Uri Makleb. The priority is for the Constitution Committee, but this is what religious Zionism demands for Simcha Rothman.

The requirements of Shas

The Shas demand that the former deputy interior minister, Aryeh Deri, serve as finance minister, Knesset member Yaakov Margi as minister of the interior or the Negev and Galilee, and Knesset member Yaakov Avitan serve as the minister of religions. Also, the Shas demand that Yoav Ben Tzur serve as deputy chairman The Knesset In addition, the party demanded that two of the members of the Knesset Yanon Azouali, Michael Malchiali, Haim Bitan and Moshe Arbel be in charge of two committees, one of which would be the Economic Committee and the other the Welfare Committee.

The demands of religious Zionism

In the negotiations, the party demanded to double the budget of the religious and ultra-Orthodox yeshiva to 2.5 billion shekels, so that the value of the point would be fixed at a total of 800 shekels for each yeshiva student and 1400 shekels for avrach. In this issue, it was agreed that a yeshiva student would receive 730 shekels and an avrach would receive 1,314 shekels, when the budget would be 2.5 billion shekels.

Later in the negotiations, issues such as education, Shabbat and housing will be discussed. According to an auditor’s report from last year, the ultra-Orthodox housing was neglected and therefore there will be a demand to return the city of Shapir to the ultra-Orthodox, which will include tens of thousands of housing units.

They also demand that the chairman of religious Zionism, Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir be the minister of internal security, Almog Cohen as the chairman of the committee for internal security and Yitzchak Wasserlauf as the minister of education or transportation. In addition, the demand is that the chairman of religious Zionism serve as finance minister, Knesset member Ofir Sofer as welfare minister, Knesset member Michal Waldiger as deputy welfare minister and Knesset member Orit Struck as settlement minister.

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