The coalition to sticks

by time news

Sánchez did not want to agree with Iglesias because he was not going to sleep, but they forced the poor thing on him and what is happening to Molière’s Doctor is being beaten, who at first did not like medicine but when they pushed her she realized the bargain : a good salary, they pay you whether you do it well or badly, you are never responsible for the damage caused because the blunders are always from others, generally from the dead, they are very discreet, and even today there is no news of a dead person complaining about the doctor that killed him Molière says so. So this coalition of sticks is quite comfortable, despite being a clean smack between each other every day. They have great cars, more than decent salaries, secretaries and chiefs of staff, they get paid every month whether they do it well or badly and they are never responsible for anything, because when it is not the fault of Rajoy or the PP it is because there was a bloody virus, what a fatality , which killed thousands of people, a volcano that blackened the environment, galloping inflation that Putin has set up with his bombs and some rapists who take to the streets because the judges in Spain are recalcitrant fascists who hate women.

The coalition, in reality, has enough to beat each other day after day for any major or minor reason, now the food cap, now the yes-is-yes or rents, now the “gag” law. The thing is not to miss an opportunity for some ministers to contradict others, fight with each other or expose their shortcomings before a country already exhausted of catuperio. Only that they have discovered the bargain of being a minister of this Government-with-sticks that is not responsible for anything and blames the people for everything that happens.

They are there to criticize or comment, not to solve any problem. The latest wave of insults has fallen on the president of Mercadona. Instead of thanking the thousands of jobs that he has created or is creating every year, or the budget that he has invested in containing prices in his supermarkets, they reproach Juan Roig for making money with his business. Entrepreneurs should not make money, but lose it. The businessman sucks the blood of the proletariat. For this reason, it is better that there are no businessmen, and if there are, that they pay all their benefits in taxes to maintain this ruling caste that has enough to argue, to fight Belarra with Montero, Montero with Calviño, or for not doing anything like Garzón or Subirats. Or like Iceta itself. He breaks out a plot of arbitration corruption and he doesn’t even find out. And that he had as second in the Higher Sports Council one of those investigated, Albert Soler, a PSC socialist like him. No, but Iceta doesn’t know anything. He is only there to collect, walk and, where appropriate, dance. In that he is almost a professional. He was going for a black swan and they beat him to politics. He now he could no longer live without the official car. Like Sánchez without his Falcón. Like Irene Montero and her “sex-Pam”, with that endless budget to waste without any consideration on absurd coitus and braguerío campaigns. They are like that. They did not want to ally themselves, but since they are, they will have to enjoy themselves.

It’s always the fault of the first to pass. People without being able to pay for gas or the shopping basket or the mortgage, and the Executive mired in his intestinal loops. So when they manage to agree, like Escrivá pensions, they look like the Moncloa Pacts. Of course, that they agree once is news. It’s a pity that they forgot to talk to the businessmen and the opposition. Entrepreneurs, let them pay. The PP and the workers, too. The Pact of Toledo, to the landfill, the pensions on the wire and they, to live off the story-charge. Even if it’s with sticks.

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