The coalition to the ombudsman: “Bringing the Prime Minister to Nebtsera – like a military coup”

by time news

The heads of the coalition parties signed a special letter today (Monday) to the Legal Adviser to the Government, Waves in Harv-Miararegarding the discussion she held on the subject of the appointment to the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the letter we claimed that “we therefore consider such discussions, to the extent that they take place, to be an attempted legal coup without authority and clearly illegal, whether it is aimed at the future or whether it is aimed at the present time. It is no different from an attempted coup by a disobedient military man.”

At the beginning of the letter, they wrote: “Recently, several news items were published in the media according to which you are holding discussions regarding the possibility of “taking” the Prime Minister of Israel to ‘nebtsrat.’ A clearly illegal attempt to depose and overthrow an elected and legal government, without a fraction of authorization by law.”

Benjamin Netanyahu (photo: Reuven Castro, voila!)

“No legal trick will stand in the way of the self-evident in all reformed countries: a prime minister is elected by the majority of the people and their representatives. The majority of Israeli citizens elected the coalition parties and the prime minister only a few months ago. The Knesset, as the representative of the sovereign, trusts the government and the prime minister. Therefore, no party There is no authority to depose the prime minister and overthrow the legal government, except for the people and their representatives and according to an explicit law. Any other determination is clearly illegal and a black flag flies over it.”

“The people, their elected officials and the government of Israel will never accept a decision without authority, which means canceling the elections at the polling stations, canceling the democratic regime and illegally overcoming the sovereignty of the people and its representatives. The paper on which such a decision is written will be worthless. It will never overcome the power of the millions of paper ballots with which they voted The people”.

Earlier, Member of the Knesset and Chairman of Likud Global Danny Danon spoke with Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad on their program on 103FM against the background of the evacuation of the “Or Haim” outpost, and Danon’s visit to the Bedouin village of Khan-el-Ahmar in Benjamin with the aim of strengthening the government in preparation for the High Court’s answer Regarding the evacuation of the outpost.

Danon responded to his call to vacate Khan-al-Ahmar: “It is true, I visited the site together with Knesset member Yuli Edelstein and a number of heads of authorities and representatives from the region. We are in favor of the rule of law, but not only that Jews are building illegally but also that there is illegal Palestinian construction. Let there be enforcement Real and not picky. The Palestinian Authority must be following my Twitter, because hundreds of people, representatives, arrived in droves, flags and greeted us in a dignified manner.”

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To the claim that Netanyahu also promised to evacuate, Danon replied: “That’s right, six years, and you’re right that many governments talked and didn’t do. Today I said at the faction meeting – this is the government’s first test on the settlement issue. This is the first test and like on Friday there was the evacuation of the illegal outpost , we of course support the Minister of Defense because we have to act according to the law, but also here. This is a very important test, what will be the state’s response to the High Court. Or there will be a short real answer, that within X amount of time this settlement will be evacuated, and there is already an alternative land for those people who live in this place. But there is also a strategic matter here, as it is important to us, it is also important to the Palestinian Authority. The European Union is of course pressing, but it’s a test of sovereignty.”

Regarding the issue of the international community and the widespread opinion that the event could harm Israel, Danon claimed: “Because of what you say and you are right, it has become a symbol, it is forbidden to fold the flag. It is precisely with this symbol that we demonstrate our sovereignty and do not fold. In the last year, 5,400 illegal structures were built Palestinians in Area C, and this is not by chance. Yes, in my opinion, we should not give up the symbol, it will radiate to other places. Even when Trump wanted to move the embassy to Jerusalem, I saw some threats of what would happen here in the region, in the end the embassy moved to Jerusalem and we moved on with our lives. That’s why I think this time too that we should not be afraid. I am in favor of coming to talks with the residents, offering them compensation, I understood that some of them are ready to evacuate.”

As far as publications know that the ombudsman is holding a series of discussions on the possibility of taking Netanyahu to prison, the member of the Knesset attacked: “In my opinion, this is a gun to the head, who comes and says, ‘Pay attention, we have tools of doomsday.’ There were briefings that came out at the end of the week, I expected there to be a denial but it’s not happening. If the legal advice has mistakes, let them come and say ‘we think A’, B’ and C’. It is legitimate. But to come out with statements of spending on the fortresses of a prime minister who was elected and formed a government with a majority of 64 mandates seems excessive to me.”

On the High Court’s ruling regarding Deri: “This is an interesting event, in the end there is a desire in the coalition to return Deri to the government, but it is not easy and will require legislation, and no one guarantees that the legislation will be immune to the High Court’s test. We are entering a very challenging period between The Knesset to the tribunal, the court, even before the reform is passed.”

Regarding Miki Zohar’s directive regarding the Israeli Shabbat and its return, Danon concluded: “I think we need to make reforms, but we don’t have to. Not every minister should say, ‘Now I’m changing.’ His words. This project is an excellent project. I think it’s excellent and we need to make more culture available to the people of Israel and not reduce it.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103FM

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