by time news

Jaime Cortes Diaz

The XXXI ASCUN 2024 National University Games bring together more than six thousand student-athletes from higher education institutions (HEIs), public and private, that make up the Colombian Association of Universities, distributed in six Nodes (Antioquia, Bogotá, Caribbean, Center, West and East).

These Games will be held in Pereira, Armenia and Manizales, which have the appropriate venues for 23 disciplines (Manizales 1, Armenia 3 and Pereira 19). These events will be held from September 19 to October 2.

The ASCUN National University Games are classified as the second most important event in the country, after the National Sports Games, and are highlighted in the university environment for promoting fundamental values ​​such as fair play, respect, team spirit, responsibility and perseverance.

Every registered athlete dreams of participating in these Games, since they are qualifiers for the World University Championships and it is the opportunity to show off, since the best athletes will be able to represent Colombia in different international events inherent to the IES.

With twenty-two days to go until the inauguration of the Thirty-First National University Games in the Coffee Region, the university community, sports news and communication, municipal and departmental administrations and private companies, together with the organizing committee of the games, have carried out a series of activities that allow the verification of the best games of this specific nature.

In addition, they seek to showcase the region, position the image of the Cultural Landscape of the Coffee Belt as a university destination, reaffirm the role of women in sports culture and the transformation of the country, as well as ensure the conservation of the environment.

For this reason, three seals were implemented that will mark history in the National University Games due to the high impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), namely: The Gender Equity seal, which seeks to highlight women as a bastion of social, sporting and academic growth, on equal terms.

The Environmental Sustainability seal, which ensures friendly practices, measurement of the carbon footprint and compensation for pollution, all through actions aimed at reducing single-use advertising, recyclable elements for water and other aspects.

And finally, the hallmark that characterizes Pereira, that of Citizen Culture, promoting actions to beautify the city, camaraderie among those attending the stages and commitment to civic duty.

The Technological University of Pereira, headed by its rector, Francisco Antonio Uribe, and the organizing committee led by Dr. Diana Patricia Gómez, from the Vice-Rectorate of Social Responsibility and University Welfare, and her entire team, have made progress since the moment of designation as the venue, to guarantee unparalleled success.

2024-08-29 05:00:45

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