The Cognitive and Cardiovascular Benefits of Daily Strawberry Consumption

by time news

Study Shows Daily Strawberry Consumption Enhances Cognitive Function and Reduces Blood Pressure

A new study presented at Nutrition 2023, the annual meeting of the American Society of Nutrition, has revealed that daily strawberry consumption can lead to improved cognitive function, reduced blood pressure, and higher antioxidant capacity. The research, conducted at San Diego State University, adds to the growing body of evidence highlighting the numerous health benefits of strawberries in the diet.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled study involved 35 healthy men and women aged 66 to 78. The participants consumed 26 grams of freeze-dried strawberry powder, equivalent to two servings of strawberries, or a control powder for eight weeks each. The results were remarkable.

After consuming strawberries, the participants experienced a 5.2% increase in cognitive processing speed, a 3.6% decrease in systolic blood pressure, and a significant 10.2% increase in total antioxidant capacity. Additionally, waist circumference decreased by 1.1% during both the control and intervention arms of the trial. Conversely, while consuming the control powder, participants experienced increased serum triglycerides.

Lead researcher Shirin Hooshmand, a professor in the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at San Diego State University, stated, “This study demonstrates that consuming strawberries may promote cognitive function and improve cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension. We’re encouraged that a simple dietary change, like adding strawberries to the daily diet, may improve these outcomes in older adults.”

Strawberries are known to be rich in bioactive compounds, including folate, potassium, fiber, phytosterols, and polyphenols. In addition to meeting 100% of daily vitamin C needs, strawberries have been linked to several health benefits. Previous clinical trials have shown that strawberry consumption reduces total and LDL cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure, indicating improved cardiovascular health.

Moreover, the link between strawberry consumption and brain health has been well-established in both clinical and population-based studies. Researchers at Rush University found that strawberries, particularly the biochemical pelargonidin found in them, were associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s dementia. Long-term observational studies, such as the Health Professionals Study and the Nurses’ Health Study, have also shown that individuals who regularly consume strawberries have lower rates of cognitive decline.

These findings highlight the potential impact of strawberries on overall health, particularly cognitive function and cardiovascular health. Incorporating strawberries into one’s daily diet may be a simple yet effective way to reap these benefits, especially for older adults.

The study was presented at Nutrition 2023, an event that brings together experts from the nutrition and medical fields to share the latest research and knowledge in the field. With its scientifically-backed evidence, this study further supports the notion that strawberries can play a significant role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

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