The collective of 11 candidates rejected by the HCC

by time news

2023-09-27 08:45:29

Without surprise. The High Constitutional Court (HCC) dismissed the Collective of 11 presidential candidates. Yesterday, the Court of Ambohidahy ruled inadmissible the request of the candidates who had requested the annulment of decision n°12-HCC/D3 of September 9, 2023 establishing the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic, the renunciation of the exercise of the functions of interim head of state and the designation of the collegial government to exercise the functions of interim head of state.

The referral made by the 11 candidates for the November 9 presidential election is inadmissible both on the quality of the applicants and on the nature of the referral, declares the HCC.

The applicants are not among the authorities and personalities authorized to refer the matter to the HCC in matters of constitutionality control, recalls the Court of Ambohiday. According to the law, a head of Institution, a quarter of the members making up the National Assembly or the Senate, the bodies of the Decentralized Territorial Communities (CTD) or the High Council for the Defense of Democracy and the Rule of Law ( HCDDED) may refer the matter to the Constitutional Court for a review of the constitutionality of texts with legislative or regulatory value.

The judgments and decisions of the HCC are not subject to any appeal and are binding on all public authorities as well as administrative and jurisdictional authorities, she maintains.

The “high risks of deterioration of the electoral process” raised by the 11 contenders for the supreme office are essentially based on their distrust of collegial government, states the HCC in its decision.

#collective #candidates #rejected #HCC

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