The collective of candidates proposes a roadmap for exiting (…)

by time news

2023-11-30 08:38:51

On the eve of the official proclamation of the results of the presidential election of November 16 by the HCC, the Candidates’ Collective indicates that it met on November 28 with the international community to propose “a road map” for ending the crisis. This proposes, among other things, the establishment of an interim structure, the revision of the electoral list and an election in June 2024.

“Time is running out, but it is not too late to interrupt the evolution that is shaping up towards a dark and troubled future. All pressure can still be exerted to impose on those in power a constructive dialogue, already initiated by the FFKM and the PAN-FFKM platform, aimed at a cancellation of the vote and the designation of an inclusive provisional government whose mission, in addition to the management current affairs, the restoration of democratic order and the preparation of a credible election”, supports the Candidates’ Collective in its declaration.

This roadmap suggests the establishment of a “neutral and inclusive interim structure, whose main mission is to organize credible, free, transparent, impartial and universally accepted elections, which will be set up in accordance with an agreement policy “. It is proposed that the President of the National Assembly assumes the role of head of state and that the Prime Minister would be a soldier appointed by consensus.

Several points are raised in this roadmap. A competent, impartial CENI and HCC provided with sufficient resources, a transparent revision of the electoral lists and access to citizenship for the greatest number of people through the updating of civil status, the setting of strict rules for the the organization of elections and, in particular, the capping of campaign expenses and the control of the origin of funds, the guarantees given to respect for human rights, freedom of expression, assembly and demonstration, as well as travel with appropriate means for the candidates.

The government would be appointed by the interim president on the proposal of the Prime Minister. The National Assembly and the Senate would remain in place during the interim period. No presidential candidate could be part of the government.

#collective #candidates #proposes #roadmap #exiting

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