The collective scientific book “Risk Reduction, The Manifesto” presented in Dakar

by times news cr

On the occasion of the presentation of this work, which took place in the presence of the Moroccan Ambassador to Senegal, Mr. Hassan Naciri and many Senegalese specialists, a round table on risk reduction and marital sexuality was organized, at the initiative of the Franco-Senegalese Campus and with the assistance of Professor Serigne Magueye Gueye, president of the campus and professor of urology.

Initiated in partnership with “Editions ORION” and the Moroccan and Senegalese medical societies “ASSM, MAPA, ENDOURO and Aphorisme Consulting”, this round table brought together urologists, surgeons, psychiatrists and sexologists from Morocco and Senegal, with the aim of addressing risk management and its applicability, in the wake of public health policies.

The speakers at this meeting, including Mr. Najib Abdelhak (journalist, writer, president of Editions ORION), Rabii Redouane (urologist, president of the Association of Endourology and the Sexual Health Center of Cheikh Khalifa Hospital), and Dr. Imane Kendili (president of the MAPA Association, psychiatrist, sexologist and writer), discussed, along with other scientists from Senegal, risk reduction in its broadest sense, going beyond health crises to affect all aspects of human life, at all levels, from politics to ecology and society, including culture and civic values, involving the patient-citizen as the main actor in this risk reduction approach.

It should be noted that harm reduction is not a new concept, as it initially emerged in the 1970s as an effort to limit sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections due to injection drug use.

Also speaking at this scientific conference were Ms. Ndèye Ndialé Ndiaye, associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Dakar, and psychiatrist at the Fann National Hospital, and Aïda Sylla from the Thiaroye Psychiatric Hospital.

In their presentations, the experts placed particular emphasis on the problems that couples are currently experiencing due to several psychological and social factors, particularly in a world that has become “completely digitalised and digitised” where the smartphone dictates its law.

In this regard, Mr. Najib Abdelhak, author of several books, and also a journalist, art and film critic, columnist and TV host, pointed out in his presentation the problem of “digitalization” which is currently affecting the lives of couples, noting that currently “in a world where we live today, a completely digitalized and digitized world, we have put aside the issue of meetings”. “There are people who meet and love each other on the internet, who get married on the net and who also divorce on the internet without ever being in front of each other,” he insisted to show the negative impacts of the misuse of these devices on people’s lives and family relationships.

Mr. Abdelhak described as “terrible things what we are experiencing today in the world”, stressing that what is called social media, “which I, he said, call antisocial media”, have “broken” human relations.

In this context, he noted a total absence of communications and meetings within homes, due to the use of smartphones, a “serious phenomenon” which affects society and which was also raised by Professor Redouane Rabii in his intervention during this round table.

For her part, Dr. Imane Kendili, psychiatrist, addictologist and sexologist, in her speech, raised the issue of risk reduction, noting that the global Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world has shown us that risks are not only health-related, but they also affect aspects of human life. According to her, the pandemic has “reminded us of the very essence of being human.”

This scientific meeting coincides with the launch in Dakar of this collective work “Harm Reduction: The Manifesto”, published by Éditions Orion.

The publication, which was previously presented in Casablanca and Washington, was conceived under the direction of writer and journalist Abdelhak Najib, Dr. Imane Kendili and Professor Jallal Toufiq.

It is a book that brings together more than 26 specialists, doctors, analysts, political scientists, thinkers, and other sociologists and anthropologists who address the very current issue of risk reduction in times of a serious global pandemic, which has been shaking the world since January 2020, affecting more than 470 million people and causing no less than 6 million victims in all four corners of the planet, indicates a press release distributed to the media.

The book is written in French, English, Arabic and will soon be published in Spanish. A documented book, written with rigor and depth, asking the right questions that concern the population, society in its various ramifications, civil society, the medical profession, health authorities and different governments in a world in the grip of an inextricable medical situation, facing an unforeseen virus that has been wreaking havoc for more than two years, points out the text, which emphasizes that interdisciplinarity is the key word of this scientific meeting that will address the aspects of the sexuality of the couple in its African, sub-Saharan and North African aspects.

This meeting in Dakar, it is indicated, also marks a cooperation between specialists from West Africa and Morocco with a view to holding the first international conference on the reduction of health risks, scheduled for October 26, 27 and 28, 2022 in Dakar after a world congress on sexology, which will be held in Marrakech, at the beginning of 2023.

The collective work brings together the points of view of various medical luminaries, but also of various intellectuals and other thinkers and sociologists of different sensibilities, from five continents, each according to their experience and knowledge, each according to their training and field.

In a statement to MAP on the sidelines of this meeting, Dr. Redouane Rabii, professor at the Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences (UM6SS), indicated that this book comes at “an opportune time” since the world has gone through events and things “that have wreaked a lot of havoc on the human community”, adding that the book gives ideas to “target risks and project the future to try to reduce risks as much as possible”.

In this regard, he cited the risks of tobacco, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), water shortages and, above all, the most serious problem of digitalization and the impact of smartphones on the daily lives of citizens around the world.

Mr. Rabii, who is also taking part in the 2nd International Congress of Urology which is being held on Wednesday and Thursday in Dakar, with the participation of practitioners from several countries around the world, has, in this context, noted the importance of the impact of this “interesting” book in the prevention and reduction of risks.

He also said that he took advantage of his stay in Dakar to carry out “complex and difficult” operations using new technologies for the benefit of patients suffering from benign prostatic hypertrophy.

It should be noted that the book “Risk Reduction, The Manifesto” should be presented soon in Tokyo, Berlin and London.

2024-08-23 05:22:41

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