The color of the mucus can change and has a precise meaning on health –

by time news
from Christine Brown

Nasal mucus has a protective function against pathogens and can vary in color from transparent to black: each shade indicates different health conditions

Il culture in the nose it performs many functions and its existence is not noticed except in the case of colds or other disorders affecting the airways. The mucus (or phlegm), thick and stickyplays a protective function of certain areas such as the nose, mouth, throat, lungs, gastrointestinal tract by preventing these tissues from drying out. Also able to trap bacteria and allergens
blocking the entry of pathogens into the body.

Examining the color of the mucus secreted by the body is not enough to diagnose a condition, but it does help you understand what is happening to your body and what is causing the problems, especially if the hue remains abnormal for a long time.

Transparent mucus: the natural color of the mucus secreted by the body and means that there are no health problems. The color is transparent because it is made up of water, salts, proteins and a series of antibodies capable of attacking external pathogens. The mucus is a kind of fly catcher paper where the pathogens are trapped and represents the first defense against viruses and bacteria. Normally the nose hair pushes the mucus through the throat to the stomach where any pathogens are broken up by the stomach acids.

White mucus: the presence of white mucus could mean that there is a mild nasal congestion and a signal of allergy, cold or dehydration. The color is determined by inflammation of the nasal tissues which swell and slow down the flow of mucus. this is the moment when the nose starts to drip.

Yellow mucus: the presence of yellow mucus is a clear sign that thebody is fighting an infection. During an infection the white blood cells of the immune system rush to the site to fight off the microbial invader, be it a virus or a bacterium. After doing their job i white blood cells are expelled from the body through mucus which, precisely because of this process, turns yellow. Yellow mucus does not mean antibiotics are needed because if the viral infection antibiotics are useless

green mucus: at this moment the immune system is fully active against potentially very dangerous external agents. Green mucus and phlegm are present especially with bacterial infections. The green color is caused by many dead white blood cells and cellular debris that are no longer useful. In this case it is always advisable to contact the doctor, especially with nausea and fever.

Pink or red mucus: in this case red indicates the presence of blood and it can be determined by the rupture of small blood vessels in the airways due to continuous rubbing (when you are very cold you often blow and touch your nose). Physical trauma can also cause mucus to turn red, as can very dry air

Brown mucus: when the sblood of the nasal walls dries up it can mix with the mucus so that it becomes brown. However, brown mucus is not always due to dried blood, but may be due to having breathed dust and pollutants present in the air.

Black mucus: the black mucus more common among heavy smokersespecially if they suffer from lung disease. However, above all among immunocompromised people can be the sign of a serious fungal infection It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor, especially in the presence of fever and difficulty breathing.

December 13, 2022 (change December 13, 2022 | 18:04)

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