The combination of foods eaten together enhance the health benefits –

by time news
from Silvia Turin

Condiments, preparation and cooking techniques affect the absorption of substances. The rules to keep in mind when combining meals

Each food has an effect on the organism that is not given exclusively by the specific nutritional characteristics, but also depends on the method of preparation and fromassociation with other foods that make up the meal.

More beta-carotene when cooking vegetables

More than harmful combinations, they exist virtuous couplings that is worth putting into practice to enhance the absorption of substances that the body needs e multiply the power of the ingredients.
To increase the absorption of the
beta carotene
, precursor of vitamin A and important for the skin, eyes and immune system, it is better to cook green and yellow-orange vegetables steamed or stewed in a pan. For the same reasons it is preferable to avoid the use of the oven specifies Stefania Ruggeri, professor of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. The dressing with extra virgin olive oil is fundamental, in addition (preferably raw) after preparation, which improves absorption. Cooking and using the oil also improve the availability and absorption of lycopene, present in tomatoes and watermelon, a very powerful antioxidant that has a protective effect against tumors.

Vitamin C against anemia

Those who have a particular need for iron, such as anemic people or pregnant women, can count onmultiplier effect of vitamin C
, which enhances the absorption of this micronutrient contained in foods of animal origin and in some products of plant origin. It is useful to choose condiments such as lemon juice or pairings with fruits such as strawberries, oranges or berries. Recall that foods of animal origin contain the most available form of iron that helps the absorption of that present in vegetables: therefore the combinations of iron-rich vegetables with meat, fish and eggs are excellent, continues Ruggeri.

To protect the bones more magnesium

Vitamin D actually acts as a hormone and is very important for our health, but we are often deficient in it: To increase the absorption of this vitamin and make it more “active” we must introduce good quantities of
explains the expert because the enzymes that metabolize vitamin D require this mineral, which is involved in many other metabolic processes: it is good for the bones, the nervous system and has a relaxing effect on the muscles.

October 30, 2022 (change October 30, 2022 | 09:18)

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