The communicative debacle of the talk show professional Karl Lauterbach – podcast

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The communicative debacle of talk show pro Karl Lauterbach

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

Health Minister Lauterbach was the talk show permanent guest of the past year. As Minister of Health, however, it is now becoming clear that he can neither convey his policy consistently nor well. More in our media podcast.

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First the conflict about the recovered status, now the backwards roll on the question of mandatory or voluntary isolation – and then the defeat in the vote on compulsory vaccination. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is not in a good position because, despite his many skills, he cannot clearly convey his corona policy – because it is not as clear as one might expect.

In this way, Lauterbach puts off those people who thought he was a good to very good health minister before he came into office. And he confirms his critics, who had also previously claimed that Lauterbach made a good impression on talk shows but could not lead a ministry.

“Everything went wrong on all levels”

“Almost nobody in his group wanted him to become a minister,” says Kaja Klapsa from the WELT political editorial team. In the WELT talk, she analyzes the mistakes made by the Minister of Health Lauterbach – and this “list is long”.

In the current edition of our podcast “Die Medien-Woche” we talk about Lauterbach and his communication debacle. And we read what the Ethics Council wrote in a report on the consequences of the Corona measures of the past two years. It is the task of the media, it says, to make “the controversial pros and cons of measures” audible and visible. “The critical part of this task” was not sufficiently fulfilled, especially at the beginning of the pandemic.

We also deal with the dissent between German war reporters in Ukraine. It was triggered by Georg Restle, who recently traveled to the war zone for ARD and then said in the “Tagesschau” that there was no opportunity for journalists to look at the place Butscha, where atrocities against civilians were committed.

also read

Georg Restle live from Kyiv on April 3rd

Finally, we wonder why Elon Musk is now Twitter’s largest single shareholder. The Tesla founder recently announced that he wants to set up his own social network – why is he buying a used one now? Speaking of Twitter, the New York Times editor-in-chief has now encouraged his journalists to tweet less. There are good reasons for this.

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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