The Community of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha, under red notice due to rains that can leave 120 liters of water in 12 hours | Spain

by time news

2023-09-03 00:29:06

Second day of the first rainstorm of meteorological autumn, considered by experts to be rare and unusually powerful for this date because the season has barely begun. This Sunday, the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) expects persistent and widespread rainfall to be reproduced, which can be locally strong or very strong and accompanied by storms, throughout the country except the Canary Islands. Eleven autonomies are under alert, with a particularly worrying situation in the Community of Madrid and in Castilla-La Mancha, where Aemet has activated the red warning, the maximum, given the risk that in La Mancha, Toledo-Toledo and in the southern, Vegas and western areas of Madrid accumulates 120 liters per square meter in 12 hours, locally even more. In the capital, the metropolitan area and the Corredor del Henares, where the warning is orange, the second level of a scale of three, 30 liters are expected in an hour, 80 in 12. “These are extraordinary quantities that can generate a great impact. Caution!” asks Aemet.

such an amount of water could wreak major havoc in the capital, where in the last serious floods, last December, with metro entrances turned into waterfalls and lobbies into swimming pools, flooded tunnels and numerous flooded streets and access roads, barely 10 liters fell in one hour and we did not even reach the threshold of the yellow warning, the minimum. “From here [sábado a las 18.00] At dawn on Monday it can rain in the southern half of the Community of Madrid (including the capital) and in the east of the province of Toledo more or less the same as it has rained so far in all of 2023. In the capital they carry 145 liters and in Toledo 119 from January 1”, Aemet’s spokesman, Rubén del Campo, warned on Twitter.

“Our model foresees accumulations of more than 150-200 liters per square meter in a few hours at points in the center of the peninsula,” points out the meteorologist Samuel Biener in, which considers the phenomenon “unusually powerful” at the beginning of September. For the veteran Francisco Martín, also from, this situation “is very rare” in the downtown area at the beginning of September. “Save the distances and effects on the surface, I have colloquially called it Autumn Philomena, since the potential effects in highly populated areas are reminiscent of those that occurred at the beginning of January 2021,” Martín indicates.

The red notices have jumped at eleven o’clock on Saturday night and will be in force between noon and midnight. Since Friday, the Community of Madrid has been in phase 0 or pre-emergency of the Special Civil Protection Plan against the risk of flooding, which means alerting the authorities and services involved, as well as informing the population and, for the moment, not The alert level has been raised. In full closure of the August return operation on the roads, 112 has recommended Saturday to drivers who plan to return to Madrid on Sunday that “advance their trip to avoid driving on the roads during the afternoon, when the most virulent storms are expected.”

The City Council of the capital also activated its Flood Action Plan on Friday in the alert and monitoring phase. “Throughout today a constant analysis of the situation and updates by Aemet has been carried out. Given the worsening forecasts, on Sunday morning there will be a coordination meeting with those responsible for all the services involved ”, indicates a spokeswoman for Madrid Emergencies tonight.

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In addition to these two red notices, there is an orange notice in Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Murcia, the Valencian Community and Melilla. The warning is yellow, the minimum, in Aragon, Castilla y León, the Basque Country, La Rioja and Ceuta. The temperatures will be even lower than those of Saturday and it will not even reach 30° anywhere in the country. The highest values ​​will occur in points of the Mediterranean and the northeast, but in the rest the maximum will be around 25° or even 20°. Very strong gusts of wind are also expected in the eastern half, with poor sea conditions in the Mediterranean.

The cause of the storm is an isolated depression at high levels (dana) —a pocket of air in the upper layers of the atmosphere—, which on Saturday claimed the lives of two canyoners in Huesca and left accumulations of more than 100 liters per square meter. in the northeast and the Valencian Community.

This Sunday, Aemet explains, the dana will be centered in the southwest of the Peninsula and there will be an intense air flow from the east, which will bring more gasoline to the situation in the form of maritime humidity and will favor abundant rainfall again in great part of the Peninsula. Where it is least likely to rain is in Catalonia and other areas of the northeast of the peninsula, while the “greatest probability and intensity” of the rains will be in the southeast quadrant and in the center of the peninsula. In the morning, “the most affected area will be the southeast, especially Valencia, Alicante and Murcia.” In the afternoon, the worst will be experienced “in the center of the peninsula, most likely in Madrid and Toledo.

#Community #Madrid #CastillaLa #Mancha #red #notice #due #rains #leave #liters #water #hours #Spain

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