The compensation outline for residents of the Gaza Strip was approved by the finance committee

by time news

The compensation outline for the residents of the Gaza Strip following the “Dawn” operation was approved today (Tuesday) by the finance committee in the Knesset.

After negotiations led by the chairman of the finance committee, Knesset member Alex Kushnir from the Israel Beitenu party, together with the chairman of “Degal HaTorah” Knesset member Moshe Gafni and Knesset member Yanon Azoulai from Shas, the compensation outline was improved and unanimously approved by the finance committee.

A revision was imposed on the approval of the regulations, until the IDF and the Ministry of Defense forward the list of settlements that were under movement restrictions prior to the operation.

Knesset member Alex Kushnir submitted the regulations for approval subject to revision: “We tried to define the settlements where traffic was restricted from August 2 to 5, unfortunately we have not yet received this list from the IDF, which is authorized to give it. We decided to vote on the regulations, with all the amendments we introduced, but we will ask the IDF to send us the list of settlements to which movement was restricted during this period, we will submit a revision and as soon as the list arrives and the Knesset returns from vacation, we will open the revision, we need a few more technical amendments and we will vote on the regulations.”

He further said on the subject: “Operation Dawn is essentially different from the previous operations, both in its operational and military aspect, and also afterwards in the civil conduct towards the population. Finance Minister Lieberman further defined during the operation that the reparations would arrive quickly, and the policy would be expansive according to Beit Hillel. We did it During a lightning strike in the Knesset and only a week after the end of the fighting, we completed the work on the regulations and approved them.”

Knesset member Nira Shapak Mish Atid said: “I am happy that all the demands we had, to expand for the benefit of the settlements that were affected, have been met. The most essential section remains open, because we did not do all the work for two settlements, that is why we are submitting the revision and demanding that the Ministry of Defense complete it I am asking the Ministry of Defense that all the settlements that are close to the checkpoints, adjacent to the 0-4 fence, be included in the document and I intend to make sure of that.”

The improved outline:

– The compensation for the day of absence from work increased from NIS 430 to NIS 460.

– The committee determined the period of eligibility and determined that these will be entitled to compensation at the beginning of the restrictions and 48 hours after the end of the promotion.

– In settlements within a range of 7-40 km from the perimeter fence – businesses that were closed due to the instructions of the Home Front Command, on the dates between August 5-8 and their raw materials went bad (for example restaurants) – will receive an additional 20% in addition to salary compensation.

– In settlements within 0-7 km of the perimeter fence, on the dates between August 5-8, both parents will receive wage compensation if they were absent from work.

– In settlements within a range of 7-40 km, the compensation will be given to one parent who is absent from work, if he has a child up to the age of 14. This refers to a situation where one of the parents is forced to look after the child, even though his workplace was open.

– An agreement was reached between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Property Tax Fund on an easier path for compensation for farmers, under the leadership of Minister Oded Forer.

archives. Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, spokeswoman of the Knesset

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