The complete A-Z guide to German prefixes and what they mean

by time news

2023-07-19 17:19:37

Despite German’s reputation for being a complicated language with a monstrous mass of rules (which it largely is), it’s also extremely logical.

One key example of this is the prefix, or the first part of a verb, like the ver- in verloren (lost), which you might feel at times when trying to get to grips with the German language in Austria.

But fear not: here’s a breakdown of the most common prefixes auf Deutsch, the idea or concept that they connote, and example sentences of where you will hear them used.


This short word implies that something is being taken away – from knowledge to the extra kilos you put on during the pandemic.

Some examples are abfahren (to depart), abholen (to pick up), abreisen (to set off on a journey or leave), ablesen (to construe knowledge from reading something) and abnehmen (to decrease, to lose weight)

A woman stands on a set of scales. Photo: yunmai/Unsplash

Use it like this:

I’ll pick up the package from the post office.

I’m picking up the package from the post office.


This implies that you’re getting closer to a target, or generally moving in the direction of an action, whether putting on clothes or attempting to grow a tomato plant on your balcony.

Just anschauen (take a look, or look in this direction) at these other examples such as angreifen (to seize, to attack), anbieten (to provide or offer), anziehen (to attract, to pull, to get dressed), anbauen (to grow, cultivate, add on something in a house)

Use it like this:

She has created a new bed.

She created a new garden patch.

You absolutely have to see this.

You really have to take a look at that.


With this prefix, you’re opening something (aufmachen), or generally moving upwards, as can be seen in words such as aufstehen (get up), aufkommen (arise) or aufbauen (to construct, build, or establish).

Use it like this:

The shop opens at 08:00.

The store opens at 8am.

Unfortunately I have to get up early.

Unfortunately I have to wake up early.

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Out of

You are either literally removing something – whether paper, as in the example of ausdrucken (or printing out) or clothes (get undressed) – or figuratively as in ausmachen (exclude).

Use it like this:

Please turn off the light!

Please turn off the light!

An industrial printer prints a newspaper. Photo: Bank Phrom/Unsplash


This emphasises an action, such as beliebt (beloved) or the result of an action such as besuchen (visit).

Use it like this:

Would you like to accompany me to the event?

Would you like to accompany me to the event?


This means to add on something, such as beitragen (contribute) or figuratively, ie. beibringen (teach). You can also beistehen (support, or literally stand by) or beisteuern (contribute).

Use it like this:

Rachel contributes €10 to the gift.

Rachel contributed €10 for the gift.


Something is being taken away, as implied by words like kidnap (kidnapped), entkommen (escaped) or entfernen (remove). But it’s not always negative. Even in a philosophical sense, discover (discover) means that something is no longer covered (decken) and entspannen (relax) implies an ‘entfernen’ of Spannung (tension).

Use it like this:

You have discovered the Spreewald for the first time.

They discovered the Spreewald for the first time.


Essentially, you are integrating something or looking inwards with a-. This can be seen in words like einladen (an invite to something), einbrechen (breaking in), or einkaufen (shopping, generally implying you are buying in something for yourself).

Use it like this:

I would like to invite you to dinner.

I would like to invite you/treat you to dinner.


This shows the successful end result of an action such as erreichen (reach), erraten (guess) erhellen (to light), erfahren (discover). It can also signify either the beginning or end of something, such as erstarren (to freeze).

Use it like this:

Sam guessed the correct answer.

Sam guessed the right answer.


This implies moving from the inside to the outside, such as herkommen (coming here) or something being produced or manufactured (herstellen).

Use it like this:

Come here, I have something to show you!

Come here, I have to show you something!


This implies a transition of something from the outside to the inside, as expressed in words such as hineinfahren, hineinsehen and hineingehen

Use it like this:

Would you like to go inside or would you prefer to sit outside?

Would you like to go inside or sit outside?


This implies either the beginning of something such as losgehen (to start) or losfahren (to set off), usually said when driving or heading off to something initially.

Use it like this:

We’re leaving at 6 p.m., are you coming with us?

We’re going to get going at 6 pm, did you want to come?

Here we go!

Here we go!

An athlete gets ready before the start of a race. Photo: Braden Collum/Unsplash


This is an easy prefix to remember as it always has one meaning: doing something together, whether mitfahren (driving together), mitmachen (doing together), mitsingen (singing along) or mitbringen (bringing something along).

Use it like this:

Do you want to come to the party?

Do you want to come with me to the party?


This expresses that a person or thing is changing, or that something is being taken away, either in a positive or negative sense. You can fall in love (verlieben) or fall into doubt (verzweifeln).

Use it like this:

I’m sorry we missed each other.

I’m sorry we missed each other.

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This implies doing something in advance, such as vorgreifen (anticipate), or showing people something, as seen through verbs such as vorstellen (introduce or imagine, depending on the context).

Use it like this:

Let me introduce myself: My name is Rachel.

I will introduce myself: my name is Rachel.


Like other prefixes on this list, it means tossing or moving something away, as seen through wegwerfen or wegschmeißen (throw away). A person can also go away (weggehen).

Use it like this:

Yuck, that canned soup is 17 years old. Throw them away!

Yuck, this canned soup is 17 years old. Throw it away!


This one is easy enough to remember: it means either closing something or moving to a goal. Germans will often colloquially say that something is ‘zu’ to imply it’s closed.

Use it like this:

“Are you closed yet?”

Have you guys closed already?

She watched with enthusiasm.

She watched with enthusiasm.


This is usually a negative word, meaning that something is broken. Take the examples of zerstören (destroy), zerschlagen (shattered), zerreißen (tear). Without this prefix, these would be strong words anyways, but that ‘zer’ gives them an extra punch.

Use it like this:

The dog bit her shoes.

The dog bit her shoes in two.

#complete #guide #German #prefixes

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