The conditions presented by Rabbi Druckman to Mansour Abbas in exchange for his support of the government with RAAM

by time news

2022 Elections: More than a year has passed since it became known that the elder of religious Zionism, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, met with the chairman of the political branch of the Islamic Movement, Mansour Abbas, at his home in the center of Shapira, as part of contacts to form a government. News 12’s political commentator Amit Segal publishes more details about the same meeting tonight (Monday).

Rabbi Druckman suggested that Abbas publicly declare that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel

According to the publication, Rabbi Druckman suggested that Abbas publicly declare that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel, to which the chairman of Ra’am replied, “My life will be in danger.” Rabbi Druckman replied: “Then say that Israel is Jewish and democratic,” and Abbas replied: “I will say, but not now. We have to wait for a suitable date.” The meeting ended in a positive spirit, and MK Amit Halevi of the Likud drafted a letter to Abbas in which he expressed support for Rabbi Druckman, “I and my party members respect the State of Israel and strongly oppose terrorism and the State of Israel.”

Rabbi Druckman: “Smutritz did not let the rabbis speak and even raised his voice”

It also appears from Segal’s report that another meeting that took place between five rabbis of religious Zionism was also attended by MKs Bezalel Smutrich and Orit Struck. “Rabbi Eliyahu and his grandmother on our side, Smutrich arrived in the middle even though he was not invited,” Halevy was quoted as saying in a statement, and Rabbi Segal reported. And to Zionism. ”

The Likud has never agreed and will never agree to include the Muslim Brotherhood in the government

The chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smutrich, said in response to Amit Segal’s publication: I am happy and proud of the privilege that has fallen to me to stand at this critical junction for the future of the Jewish state and to prevent this danger and disgrace from the state and the national camp. “

Smutrich added that “the vast majority of the public in Israel who have experienced this year of nightmare understand today that the future of the Jewish state must never be entrusted to the Islamic Movement Party. We will soon establish a national Zionist government that will work for the benefit of the people of Israel in all areas. We will always be there to ensure that we never stray from the path. ”

The Likud responded: “Unlike Yair Lapid, who closed a government with RAAM and the joint list, the Likud did not agree and will never agree to include the Muslim Brotherhood in the government. The fact is that in 2019, when the right was with 60 seats, Prime Minister Netanyahu refused Mansour Abbas’ proposals to support the formation of a Likud-led government and so we went to the polls. The choice in the upcoming elections is a national government headed by the Likud or a Lapid government with the Muslim Brotherhood and the joint list.

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