2024-07-21 12:08:11
“The government provides in its program regulations that medical services, diagnostics, treatment, prevention, care should be provided using the latest, individualized measures. The feasibility study carried out by STRATA made it possible to objectively assess the situation in Lithuania and provide reasonable recommendations for the progress of personalized medicine in our country”, says STRATA director Agnė Vilkončiūtė.
The feasibility study showed that additional investments are required for a model that takes into account the characteristics of a specific patient. Currently, this is one of the main reasons why the transformation in Lithuania is not happening as quickly as in other countries.
“The main condition for personalized medicine to work is adequate financing of the health care system. For now, there is still a big gap between the amount of money that Lithuania and Western countries spend on health care. Therefore, the strategy should first assess how much advanced diagnostics and therapies may cost Lithuania in the future, as well as envisage a financing plan”, emphasizes the head of the Gastroenterology Clinic, prof. Juozas Kupčinskas.
According to him, by allocating more funds to healthcare in Lithuania, patients would be given the opportunity to receive the most modern treatment.
The main challenge is the lack of strategy
Head of the clinic of genetics and molecular medicine prof. Rasa Ugenskienė states that a national level strategy is needed to strengthen the model adapted to individual patient needs in Lithuania.
“The practice of other countries shows that in order to make a change, first of all, at the national level, it is necessary to agree on who should do what and to share responsibilities. Currently, there is no such consensus in Lithuania, so it is necessary to prepare a state strategy and a plan for its implementation and financing”, says Prof. R. Ugenskienė.
The performed analysis revealed that not only the major Western countries have such national-level documents, but also Estonia, which is located in our region.
There is something to resist
Expert Prof. According to Sonata Jarmalaitė, there are good opportunities to strengthen individualized diagnostic and treatment options for patients in Lithuania.
“For example, genomics infrastructure is extremely important for the development of personalized medicine. It has already been developed and is working in the country’s major clinics”, observes prof. S. Jarmalaitė.
According to her, Lithuania should still make efforts in training specialists and raising their qualifications. Accordingly, the study recommends the integration of personalized medicine modules into existing health sciences and life sciences study programs and the development of refresher courses.
The feasibility study for the development of personalized medicine in Lithuania was prepared by STRATA together with experts from Vilnius University (VU), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), National Cancer Institute, Future Biomedicine Foundation and EFIS Center in Belgium. The study analyzed the experiences of implementing personalized medicine in eight Western countries, reviewing the regulatory environment, specialist training practices, innovation ecosystem and other important aspects.
The situation in Lithuania was reviewed, distinguishing the strengths and weaknesses and predicting three possible scenarios for the development of personalized medicine. An evaluation of the economic efficiency of the implementation of personalized medicine was also carried out.
2024-07-21 12:08:11