“The conflict is not at an impasse”, the Kremlin disputes the analysis of the chief of staff of the Ukrainian army

by time news

2023-11-02 15:59:12

Cover image: A Ukrainian soldier flies a Shark drone near the front line in the Kharkiv region on October 30, 2023. ALINA SMUTKO / REUTERS

A Russian oligarch, Alexei Kuzmitchev, close to Vladimir Putin, was indicted on Wednesday in Paris, in particular for laundering aggravated tax fraud and presumption of money laundering. He was placed under judicial supervision and had to pay bail of 8 million euros. It is presented as “a large shareholder of the Alfa Group conglomerate, which includes Alfa Bank, one of Russia’s largest taxpayers”according to the European Union, which placed him on the list of people targeted by sanctions on March 15, 2022 after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.Ukraine suffers largest Russian attack since the start of the year
“During the last twenty-four hours, the enemy bombarded 118 localities in ten regions”declared the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior in a message posted on social networks. “This is the largest number of towns and villages to suffer an attack since the start of the year. »For the chief of staff of the Ukrainian army, the war is at an impasse
“Just like during the First World War, we have reached the level of technology that puts us in an impasse”said General Valeri Zaloujny, who concluded that it would take a massive technological leap to get out of it, to the British weekly The Economist.Josep Borrell ensures that the EU continues to support Ukraine, despite the conflict in Gaza
Ukraine and its Western allies fear that Russia will intensify its attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure before winter, as was the case last year.UN estimates 8 million people in Ukraine need humanitarian aid
One of the biggest challenges for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) “remains the lack of humanitarian access to parts of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhia regions under temporary Russian military control”.The Wagner Group starts recruiting again in Russia
Several Russian media outlets report that the Wagner Group, which has become a unit of the Russian National Guard (Rosgvardia), has resumed its recruitment campaigns in Russia, particularly in Perm and Novosibirsk. The recruitment centers for the Wagner militia had closed after Yevgeny Prigozhin’s rebellion.Bulgaria expels Russian journalist
Alexandre Gatsak, from the official Russian daily Rossiïskaïa Gazeta, took refuge at the end of September in the premises of the Russian embassy, ​​refusing to respond to the authorities’ summons with a view to his expulsion. He finally left Bulgaria on Wednesday, adds the same source.

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Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Editorial. Europe facing two wars

Investigation. Russian oligarch Alexei Kuzmitchev indicted in France for laundering tax fraud

Decryption. In Moscow, the hunt for migrants to fill the ranks of the army

Reportage. In the Poltava region, Ukraine, young people from kyiv train for war: “Here, they have the right to make mistakes”

Decryption. Europeans torn between the Ukrainian and Israeli fronts

Decryption. Why Ukraine’s counter-offensive is failing

Chronic. After the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, “Vladimir Putin is rubbing his hands”

Analyse. In Ukraine at war, the virtue of democratic debate

Interview. Sofia Andrukhovych, novelist: “In Ukraine, death is now an integral part of daily life”

Interview. Dmitri Mouratov, Russian journalist, Nobel Peace Prize winner: “I am foreign agent number 665”

Decryption. kyiv taken by surprise by the Russian counterattack at Adviïvka

Good leaves. How Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel deluded themselves about Vladimir Putin: read the excerpts from “The Blinded”, by Sylvie Kauffmann

Cards. The maps of the war in Ukraine, since the start of the Russian invasion, in February 2022

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