The confused Yuval sums up the experience of survival – and closes the account with Lia

by time news

After losing to his uncle in the immunity mission, The confused Yuval Realized he was the next ousted in “VIP Survival” (Wednesday and Saturday, Network 13). He knew he had two options: ring the bell and thus save his life in the game, or not ring and endanger his allies. After deliberations and consultations he made the decision not to ring, he was dismissed by the council, and just like a well-written story, at his last moment in a game in which he was weighed in the balance of justice in front of none other than Lia he hit. There he was required to keep what he demanded of her – to sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends, and to give up the victory.

Yuval, let’s go back to the starting point. Why did you actually go for survival? Because of money?
“Money is interesting, but it was not the goal. I wanted to reach the final, but still I think it is not the goal, but the experience itself and the challenges, and in the process also try to stay human. I am a person of challenges, and one of the things I discovered about myself that I can To exist without the telephone and without food, and in the moment of truth I am there for the people I am really attached to. I learned this in the army, where you reach the limit of ability and also discover the best things about yourself. “In ordinary life we ​​do not have such struggles. Everyone lives in their own bubble and only and this is the only time since the army that I really had to choose between myself or allies.”

Why do you think you were fired? What was your mistake?
“My mistake was I had to insist on putting Jackie’s name. If we were all put in Jackie there was a firefight and I had a chance to maybe take. But I do not live there. What happened, happened. It’s not interesting. I’m whole with everything. “.

When you see yourself on screen today, are you kicking ass?
“Yes, in a big way. I feel that I was loved, but I also had actions during the game that I felt were not very good with. And mistakes have to be paid for.”

Like what?
“Look, during the season I did not always wear a tallit that was all light blue. And there were moments when I had a hard time watching them. I could also go out with him better. “

The Confused Yuval (Photo: 13 screenshot)

During the game, as happens every season, the confused Yuval (Yuval Shem Tov) also received public fire. Once because of his cold attitude towards Lia, his former ally, and once again after the abusive remark towards Kobi Maor and his excess weight. “I apologized for that and also reacted in his post, even though it was too spicy for my taste,” Yuval explains. “Already that morning I sent a message to make it clear that it was said with a laugh, and then I apologized in person when I realized he was hurt. And after a few hours suddenly a post came out. I also do not think he wrote the post. It does not suit him. Also see on screen I said things jokingly. “Unnecessary, but in a joke. I apologized, and he deserves an apology. In general, survivors need to know how to come to terms with what happened on screen, not try to make excuses now. We need to take responsibility.”

And now, in the name of everyone and once and for all – what’s the big story with Lia?
“Lia rang the bell when they wanted to evict her, and so automatically passed the eviction to me. I took it very hard. There are a lot of people who disagree with me, because in the end the bell is meant for it. Technically it’s true, but I took it hard because she did not consult with me. “.

The confused Yuval, Lia Gil, Vered Buskila, Jonathan Bashan.  VIP Survival (Photo: 13 screenshot)The confused Yuval, Lia Gil, Vered Buskila, Jonathan Bashan. VIP Survival (Photo: 13 screenshot)

But even Jonathan rang the bell without consulting you, and you were not angry with him.
“There is a difference. Lia and I were in a very weak alliance, only the two of us alone at the time, and we knew that if she rang the bell – the flush goes to me. When Jonathan did not consult it only hit him – he wasted his bell, but we were in a strong alliance, and no one He was in danger because of that. “

So what did she have to do?
“Instead I would first consult. After that I would wait for the immunity mission, and hope to win it. The bell was supposed to be a last resort, and the fact that she hurried made me realize that she did not trust me completely, and that in the moment of truth she would probably take care of herself. “The way I behaved in front of Lia was difficult for me to see on screen. I was very cold to her. There is nothing to do, it is difficult to get into the mud without getting dirty, and no one comes out completely clean from the situations in the game.”

Is she still mad at you?
“No, we talk every day and laugh about it all the time. During the episode she was mad at me, so we did not talk that day, but I told her turn, let’s take the time and when we finish on screen we will finish again in reality. It made her laugh, so we finished a minute later “.

The crisis in the alliance between the confused Yuval and Lia Gail.  From VIP Survival (Photo: Network Screenshot 13)The crisis in the alliance between the confused Yuval and Lia Gail. From VIP Survival (Photo: Network Screenshot 13)

So everyone is friends. And it’s just a game. Survival is a crazy experience where you discover things about yourself. These are sentences that all survivors repeat like a mantra. But let’s not forget that this is a game in which the winner wins a million shekels, a sum that can help any person, celeb as he may be, especially after two years of Corona.

You wanted to win. Are you disappointed that you did not reach the final?
“Not disappointed at all. First of all always try to look at the half full glass. Survival is like life – a person gets what he is meant to get, and I really felt at some point I completed the correction. I hugged the situation, I’m very whole with him, I’m not fucking, And it was also fun to continue as a juror and watch from the sidelines. “

So what did we close? Are you a loyal and valued person or an actor and strategist?
“I’m a strategist, but I play the game my way. It was a chess game and I played it like checkers. Besides, I got to a point in life where I feel no need to prove anything to anyone. Once I’m whole with myself, there are people who will connect to it and there are those. “No. There will always be a person who does not see things as I see them, but it is his. It is like the one who rejects Momo rejects.”

Funny that in the end you ended the game like that, because of the bell.
“Yes, I have a problem with bells it turns out. I was debating whether to ring the bell and stay in the game, I consulted, I got confirmation that we all knew I was the next to be fired, and after the duel with his uncle they also told me ‘Yuval, ring the bell’ – and I can not I can not climb and do this action, because if I go up to ring I sacrifice them, and one of them goes home. So I could not. On the game with Lia, and closing something that was unresolved, I took Ella’s dumbbell, and like a knife I stuck it in my heart. If I sent Lia to the hut – she would send me home. .

Dudu Awat and the confused Yuval (Photo: Network 13)Dudu Awat and the confused Yuval (Photo: Network 13)

This sounds like a conclusion from the dark year.
“True. It’s really like that. I had two options even then. I could blame the circumstances and the world, and everyone except myself, and it’s natural for any human being to always try to justify and look for culprits. As Shlomo Artzi said” he blames the world for his pain. “But Now I know that the right and liberating way is to know that everything that happens to us in life is our responsibility, because of us and thanks to us. “, And I did not sacrifice to be seen or to come out okay, but because I felt it was the right correction at the right moment, and it was a moment where I felt I had won.”

So you’m glad you went?
“Unequivocally. It’s the most powerful thing I’ve ever done in my life in terms of physical and mental difficulty. It empowers, teaches, and I came out with philosophical, and also simple, insights about life.”

Will you do it again?
“No. It’s the only reality I was willing to do, the only one that also does something about it and has experiences and challenges in it.”

And most importantly – thin?
“I lost 15 pounds. But I lost twenty.”

What’s the next thing?
“We continue with the routine, even though we get a lot of cancellations – it’s a headache for the parents to do tests to come, so the halls are not blown up as usual. The plays, and at the same time, since I came back I have been sitting and writing a show for adults, a kind of standup lecture – a funny lecture called ‘How do you survive it?’ “She talks about survival, about life, about the path I went through, about the insights I gained, and also about drugs but from a place devoid of drama. I even allow myself to laugh about it. For example, telling the audience ‘get along in the ranks, as I like’.”


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