The congregation changes the angle: “It is very important to achieve a broad consensus”

by time news

The Ecclesiastical Forum today calls on the President of the State to publish a compromise outline. “An agreed compromise outline will help heal the public atmosphere.”

“We invested efforts and countless hours together with our partners on the opposing side – dedicated, professional and demanding people. It is very important to achieve broad agreement on the changes. We discovered that in relation to many issues the differences can be reconciled. The same with regard to the manner in which the Supreme Court will be empowered to invalidate ordinary legislation, the same with regard to For the use of the reason of reasonableness and the status of the opinion of the legal counsel.” The panel also says that it is possible to reach agreements regarding the element of the overcoming clause.

● The Chief Economist of the Ecclesiastical Forum: The legal reform could seriously damage the economy

“The issue of the composition of the committee for the selection of judges remains in dispute. We believe that a solution can be reached that will cancel the veto held by the representatives of the Supreme Court, will give the coalition an advantage in the committee, and will also increase the influence of the opposition. And this is, among other things, through the use of professional representative appointments on behalf of the coalition.” “We call on the President of the State to adopt these principles, which in our opinion reflect a proper compromise.”

100 retired judges signed a statement against the reform

Meanwhile, about 100 retired judges signed a statement against the reform. “We all want an independent, strong and stable judicial system that will act fearlessly and impartially for the benefit of all the citizens of Israel, but at this time – this goal is under serious threat.”

Amendments to the legislation as part of the legal reform:

● Changing the composition of the committee for the selection of judges so that the coalition controls the appointments – In the discussions in the Constitution Committee for the second and third readings
● The candidates for the Supreme will appear before the Constitution Committee – In the discussions in the Constitution Committee for the second and third readings
● High Court judges will not be able to invalidate fundamental laws – Approved on first reading
● In order to invalidate a law, the agreement of 12 out of 15 High Court judges will be required – Approved on first reading
● A superseding clause will allow the Knesset to re-enact a law that was invalidated by a majority of 61 MKs – Approved on first reading
● The court will not be able to pass judicial review on the appointment of ministers – Confirmed in advance reading
● The court will not be able to invalidate the decisions of the government and elected officials due to the reason of reasonableness – In the debates in the Constitution Committee before the first reading
● Legal advice to the government will not be binding. Ministers will be able to appoint advisers on their behalf – Not currently promoted

Among the signed judges are retired Supreme Court Justices Meni Mazuz and Ila Prokatsia, and retired District Court Judges Bracha Ofir Thom, Nurit Ahitov, Varda Maroz, Savioni Roteloi, Edna Kaplan and Avi Zamir.

The retired judges adopted a statement published by the European Union of Judges according to which “the latest legislative moves in Israel are aimed at serious interference in the position of the judiciary, which is an equal and independent authority among the government authorities – in such a way that its powers will be vested in the other state authorities.”

100 professors are in favor of changes in the judicial system

On the other hand, today about 100 professors from the academy joined a support petition in favor of changes in the judicial system. “The requested place to discuss the details of the reform is the Israeli Knesset and there should be substantive discussions between the supporters of the reform and its opponents at the same time. As much as possible, it is good to hold talks and strive for broad agreements, but we must not harm the essential process of correcting the judicial system, which in recent years has excessively overstepped the limits of the other authorities.” Among the signatories are Prof. Aryeh Eldad, winner of the Israel Prize in Israeli Thought Yehuda Liebes, winner of the Israel Prize in Literature Meir Sternberg, former rector of Bar Ilan University Prof. Yossi Yeshuron and Nobel Prize winner Prof. Israel Oman.

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