The Connection Between Depression and Dementia Risk: What the Latest Study Reveals

by time news

New Study Shows a Link Between Depression in Adulthood and Dementia Risk

A new study has found that a diagnosis of depression in adulthood could more than double the risk of developing dementia in older age. The study, published in JAMA Neurology, analyzed data from over 1.4 million Danish citizens who were followed from 1977 to 2018.

The researchers, from the University of Pennsylvania, adjusted for various factors such as education, income, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, substance use disorder, and bipolar disorder. They concluded that the association between depression and dementia risk is strong and reliable.

Previous studies have often connected depression in late adulthood as an early symptom of dementia. However, this study revealed a connection between dementia risk and depression diagnoses in early and mid-life as well.

Lead study author Dr. Holly Elser, an epidemiologist and resident physician in neurology, stated, “Our results therefore provide strong evidence that depression is not only an early symptom of dementia, but also that depression increases dementia risk.”

However, there are still unanswered questions from the study. Dr. Natalie Marchant, an associate professor in the division of psychiatry at University College London, mentioned that there may be shared common risk factors for depression and dementia that occur earlier in life. She also suggested that depression could lead to changes in health behaviors that may increase the risk of dementia.

The study also found a stronger association between depression and dementia risk in men compared to women. This indicates the need for further exploration of potential gender-specific mechanisms involved in the development of dementia.

Although the connection between depression and dementia is highlighted in this study, it is still unclear if treating depression can reduce the risk of dementia. The researchers looked at the treatment with anti-depressant medication within six months of diagnosis and did not find a difference in risk between the treated and untreated groups.

Further research into the effectiveness of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy in lowering the risk of dementia will be crucial. Preliminary findings from other observational studies suggest that therapy reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety could potentially reduce the risk of future dementia.

Regardless of the dementia risk, treating depression should remain a priority. Dr. Elser emphasized, “Because depression is extremely prevalent and is associated with significant individual and societal costs, effective treatment of depressive symptoms should be a priority regardless of whether they confer risk for dementia later in life.”

While the link between depression and dementia is concerning, taking care of one’s mental health is essential for overall well-being. The study emphasizes the importance of further research and understanding the mechanisms by which depression earlier in life may contribute to the onset of dementia.

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