The Consequences of Neglecting Statutory Responsibilities: Lessons from Space Travel, Train Accidents, and Frog Soup

by time news

2023-06-12 02:42:00

That is the main work to be done. Anyone can do it; But did not; each left it to others to finish. In the end it didn’t work.

The recent train accident is an example of how neglect by those involved in fulfilling their statutory responsibilities can have dire consequences over time.

‘Heat causes solids to expand; ‘Shrunk by cold’ is a basic science fact taught in chemistry.

In the space shuttle Columbia that claimed the life of astronaut Kalpana Chawla, liquid fuel absorbed heat from the container wall and turned into a gas, causing the container to cool and contract; As a result, there was a gap between the container and the thermal insulation coating on it, and a part of the insulation was damaged.

No justice

It was in that area that the container caught fire due to the heat generated as it entered space from the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the crash.

A false sense of security is the reason why those who implemented space travel, the pinnacle of science, failed to notice the fundamental issue.

We are used to entrusting all the delicate tasks to the computerization of ‘artificial intelligence’, and even if there is a mistake or delay, we can escape by saying ‘server problem, system hang’.

A reminder message is sent to whomever the loan or service charge is due, even if it is paid on time. Eventually, it became customary to say ‘if paying, ignore this information’.

What does this imply? It means that the company concerned does not have the payment information!

Computerized transactions are welcome as they are impartial.

It is not fair in any way to compel us to accept the same procedure if it is done wrongly due to a technical glitch and innocent people are affected.

It is in this ‘category’ that the innocent people who get caught up in ‘online’ business and get ruined.

Scientific technology is used to ease our task and in many cases to alert us, leaving the responsibility squarely on its head, not for us to rest!

I didn’t dare

A chef from a northern state had visited Japan. He ate frog soup there. Better yet, he asked the chef there about the soup preparation method. ‘This should be prepared like other soups. The only difference is that a live frog must be used; That’s all’ he said.

He also returned to the country and boiled water in a stove and put live frogs in it. Each frog jumped up and ran away.

Shocked, he called a Japanese expert.

‘Who told you to boil water and put frogs in it? After putting the frogs in the water, put them in the oven. As the temperature gradually rises, a frog thinks, ‘Oh… can we jump…’. But seeing that the next frog is sitting as ‘Theme’, this too sits.

Sitting looking at each other like this, the heat will start rising like ‘Jiwujivu’. By the time frogs try to jump, three-quarters of their body is burned. What else… frog soup is ready!’ Said the expert!

This is the condition of people today. They limit themselves to why we should care so that the other person can just watch.

What we need are competent officers who can prevent mistakes from happening.

Many authorities do not even dare to take reasonable measures of relief that should be available to the innocent victims.

The reason is the fear of incurring the wrath of those responsible for that injustice. Selfishness that dare not earn the enmity of one who works for a third person.

Fear of ‘if we do this, our sincerity will be doubted…’

The integrity of such persons is not principle or doctrine; Based on fear.

Today, the files lying unattended in government offices and courts and the cases traveling in waidhas remain in this state.

So only if the beneficiaries are influential and have money, the news is reported through the media and the solution is found.

People who want to go on vacation refuse to touch the files with their hands because of the fuss.

Some incompetent and fearful officers and judges leave the job as it is, saying, ‘Namakken Vambu’, so that such blame should not fall upon them.

There is no time

The attention, care and interest of many in positions of responsibility are engrossed in trying to please those in charge and satisfy their own desires and needs, leaving no time to attend to the mundane affairs of the common people.

However, it is a fact that many precious works are saved by the effort of a responsible person.

A lawyer told me that some judges are granting waivers in response to the pleas of some lawyers who are wasting their time with very few cases.

It is unfortunate that the judges, who are sympathetic to the lawyers, fail to think of the innocents who suffer as the case drags on.

There are those who have been over-praised because their work, pushed by chance and fortunately, has benefited many.

Standing on the banks of the huge lake, while people were having fun, a child from the crowd fell into the lake.

While many people, including the child’s relative, were awake in shock, a person suddenly jumped into the water and rescued the child and brought him to the shore.

Everyone surrounded him and praised him in various ways.

But he was the only one without any enthusiasm and looked around for someone. His friend who was nearby said, ‘Who are you looking for?’ When I asked him, he said, ‘It’s that scoundrel who pushed me away’!

While this is not to say that, on the whole, the machinery of government and the courts are functioning in this way, the number of appeals and complaints that reach our ears, often proves that it is!

For communication

M. Karunanidhi, Superintendent of Police (Retd.)
Mobile: 98404 88111.

#Namakken #Vambu #frogs #fate #fussy #frog #fate

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