the console increases its price and returns to stock

by time news

Against all expectations, Sony has decided to drastically increase the selling price of its Playstation 5. An increase which, it is now confirmed, will not take place on the Xbox Series consoles.

[Mis à jour le 26 août 2022 à 18h05] In 2006, Sony launched the PS3, the first console of its generation, fully equipped and revolutionary. Only, small problem, the Playstation 3 saw its base price fixed at 599 €, making it the most expensive console of the last twenty years. And the bad news of the day is that it could well be joined on this sinister podium by its granddaughter, the Playstation 5. Indeed, Sony communicated through a blog article signed Jim Ryan (CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment) its intention to increase the selling price of its consoles by just over 10%. An increase of around fifty euros on the price of the two versions of the PS5, and consumers taken aback, this is the atmosphere of the moment at Sony, we explain why. But first, our live stock tracking of the day.

Our Live Weekend PS5 Stock Tracker

  • Micromania is getting copies of the console this weekend in stores

The Playstation 5 is at the heart of all attention at the end of summer 2022. The console has just undergone a drastic price increase from Sony, which will not prevent players from trying to find it on the net. and in store. The second option seems particularly recommended this weekend, since some Micromania stores have received them in recent days. For those who do not wish to move, the PS5 was available in packs at CDiscount. Keep in mind, the console sells for €549.99 and €449.99, new prices set by Sony due to inflation.

If the summer lacked bad news, here is another one that will greatly displease video game players. Sony has made the decision to increase the selling price of the Playstation 5 by just over 10% in certain regions of the world. De facto, the console sees the price of its Standard version go from 499 to 549 € and its Digital version from 399 to 449 €. An increase justified by Jim Ryan in an article Playstation Blog (Jim Ryan is the CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment) by the climate of global inflation.

This increase is effective immediately in the affected regions, namely the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Mexico, Canada, China and Japan. Only spared, the United States. In the blog post announcing the price increase, Sony said: “The global economic environment is a challenge that many of you feel around the world. We can see high rates of inflation and hostile monetary curves, impacting the lives of consumers and creating great pressures on many industries. Based on these economic conditions, SIE has made the difficult decision to increase the selling price of the Playstation 5 in certain markets in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Canada..” Jim Ryan, PDG de Sony Interactive Entertainment

Side gamers, difficult to swallow the pill, an increase of 10% remains consistent, despite the justifications of Sony. The Japanese company claims to follow the evolution of the market, in strong inflation since the coronavirus pandemic and the start of the War in Ukraine. The company claims to put the interests of consumers first, and is trying to maintain its margin on the production of Playstation 5, which is undoubtedly more expensive since the price increase of various raw materials.

The quantity of consoles available on the market is also the subject of the last paragraph of Jim Ryan’s blog post, which states “While this price hike is a necessity given the global economic climate and its impact on SIE, our primary goal remains to improve the supply of PS5s around the world, so that as many players as possible can enjoy everything. that the PS5 has to offer and will offer in the future.“It should be noted that the year 2022 saw the best supply side on the French market, while experts are counting on a return to normal by 2024.

On the other hand, there is one who is likely to smile after this announcement. And yes, it is the Xbox Series. The official competitor of the Playstation 5 retains its original selling price for the moment, giving it a clear advantage over the Japanese console. The Xbox Series S can therefore always be found at 300 € while its big sister the Xbox Series X keeps its selling price of 500 €. A price difference that could well capsize the hearts of some buyers in favor of the American console. That said, it is not excluded that Microsoft announces such an increase in the coming months.

If you want to get a Playstation 5, you can also very well opt for the second-hand purchase. Consoles are regularly handed over for resale on sites like Rakuten, and sellers will sometimes offer you great prices. Notably, in the period following the PS5 price increase, some deals may well be almost profitable. But don’t forget, the PS5 is rare and retailers have understood this perfectly, sometimes offering the console at exorbitant prices. As a reminder, the PS5 Digital is sold at €449.99 and the PS5 Standard at €549.99.

For 18 months buyers have been struggling to get a Playstation 5. The new game console is in high demand, and e-commerce sites feel it during the rare restocking and new stocks. Indeed, the crowd is great on the latter while some pages collapse completely in long queues. Speed ​​is the key word of this new “sport” of which there are certain rules that can greatly benefit you. Indeed, each site has its own operation, and this slide contains a few tricks that can help you make your purchase as quickly as possible.

As you will have understood, the Playstation 5 is part of a generation of consoles released directly out of stock. Remember, when Sony’s last console was released, it was November 2020, and the coronavirus pandemic was reaching peak levels, paralyzing the economy around the world. Southeast Asia, the leading producer of semiconductor metals used in the manufacture of smart cards (ie processors and graphics processors for consoles and PCs) has been hard hit, slowing the production of consoles, graphics cards and even cars all over the world. A factor that is still felt today on the high-tech market, and particularly on that of the latest generation game consoles.

As for Playstations 5, and more generally graphics processors, the situation should not return to normal before 2024. A prediction made by Pat Gelsinger, the President and CEO of Intel, who affirms in an interview with CNBC that the production of microchips should return to its full potential by the end of 2023. A precise expertise but a bad omen for console and PC gamers who expected to be able to enjoy a stable situation by now the end of the year 2022.

The PS5 still suffers from many stock shortages, and although this article is not infallible, it still aims to give you the weapons to try to buy Sony’s console as soon as possible and without a hitch.

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