The consultation on the reform of unemployment insurance is delayed in ignition

by time news

Posted Sep 28, 2022, 5:25 PMUpdated on Sep 28, 2022 at 5:43 PM

Adopted! Started on Tuesday afternoon in the Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, the examination of the bill paving the way for the reform of unemployment insurance ended in success for the government on Wednesday, which won support from the right-wing opposition. Next step Monday evening in public session where it is difficult to see why it would be otherwise, before a passage in the Senate from October 12.

At the end of October at the latest normally, the Ministry of Labor will therefore be authorized to temporarily change the rules of compensation for job seekers by decree following the consultation it intends to conduct with the social partners. This consultation still needs to start to feed the content.

” In the next weeks “

Announced for mid-September, the sending to unions and employers of the document which must establish the framework and the tracks will take place “in the coming weeks”, warned the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt.

As a reminder, the executive wants the rules of compensation to be more protective in low periods of the labor market, more incentive in the opposite case, according to the principle known as “countercyclicality”. For this, it is necessary to define the rules that will vary according to the situation, and the indicators whose evolution will decide whether to tighten or loosen the screw.

For the rules, Olivier Dussopt was quite clear: not touch the amount of the allowance. On the other hand, the number of months worked to open rights (6 minimum out of the 24 preceding the end of the contract) and or the duration of compensation (from 24 to 36 months maximum depending on age) are clearly targeted, to the great displeasure unions.

The Minister also gave his opinion on the indicators used to judge the state of health of the labor market. Not very “convinced” by the unemployment rate, too “volatile” in his eyes, he favors a ratio of the number of available job offers compared to that of the unemployed. “From 2017 to 2022 it went from 50 to 170 per 1,000,” he told the Senate.

The overseas territories apart

The difficulty, which explains the delay in starting the consultation, according to our information, is due to the possibility of having a different barometer according to the territories, the situation not being the same between the Vendée and the North for example. The question, which is very complex legally, is currently being studied by the Ministry of Labor to avoid leading the social partners on the wrong track. “I asked my services to instruct him”, confirmed Olivier Dussopt, anxious to avoid “side effects” or to end up with an “incomprehensible” system.

While it is unlikely that we will end up with different compensation rules in mainland France, the overseas territories will, on the other hand, benefit from separate attention. “It is obvious that the economic indicators correspond very little”, admitted the minister, in response to the request of the deputy of Guadeloupe, Olivier Serva.

Job abandonments soon like resignations

Faced with a phenomenon that is spreading, alert several deputies, despite the absence of figures to confirm it, Olivier Dussopt wants to curb job abandonment. “There is indeed a loophole which means that the conditions of compensation are more favorable than for a person who resigns”, declared the Minister of Labor to the Assembly.

The labor bill will be enriched with an article so that a dismissal for misconduct after abandonment is considered as a voluntary termination of employment. With the exception of cases of abandonment for safety reasons. In this case, “the employee must be able to let it know very quickly to avoid being penalized”, he added.

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