The consumption of antibiotics has started to rise again in France after Covid-19

by time news

2023-11-14 15:02:37

” Antibiotics are not automatic. » Despite the success of the slogan and a drop in antibiotic consumption at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the figures were on the rise again in 2022, for the second year in a row.

Consumption of these drugs has “overall been on a downward trend since 2012,” indicates Public Health France (SPF) in its annual study which is based on reimbursements for prescriptions by Health Insurance. “ [Mais] it increased in 2022 at a more sustained rate than in 2021.”

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Return to 2019 levels

The increase is obvious: +16.6% in prescriptions (particularly in hospital) and +14% in town. While the Covid-19 pandemic had shown “a break in the curve”, we are now seeing a rise in consumption, “returning to 2019 levels”, summarizes for theAFP Laëtitia Gambotti, head of the healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance unit at SPF.

The year 2020 remains unique: anti-Covid measures (lockdowns, barrier gestures) had reduced the frequency of bacterial infections but also access to care. “2021 and 2022 were accompanied by a resumption of common winter infections, medical consultations and antibiotic prescriptions,” points out SPF in its study.

The threat of antibiotic resistance

The consumption of antibiotics was “significant” among children in 2022, having returned to or even exceeded the pre-pandemic level. “The increase is greater among 0-14 year olds, populations more prone to winter epidemics,” notes Laëtitia Gambotti.

In addition to age groups, antibiotic consumption varies according to region, where disparities have been stable for around ten years. Corsica and PACA use the most, Pays-de-la-Loire and the overseas departments consume the least. Overall, “France remains one of the top five most consuming European countries,” notes Laëtitia Gambotti.

This specificity is linked to different practices and a history of the medicinal approach, but also to a cultural dimension of the prescription of antibiotics. However, antibiotic resistance is exacerbated by excessive or inappropriate consumption of these treatments. Reducing consumption is therefore essential to curb the appearance of resistant bacteria. To raise awareness again, SPF will rebroadcast a campaign in December on the proper use of antibiotics (“taking good care is first and foremost using them well”), specifying their lack of benefit against viral infections such as bronchiolitis or flu.

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