The Contraceptive Pill and Anxiety: New Canadian Research Findings

by time news

2023-11-10 13:52:14
New Study Shows Contraceptive Pill Can Increase Anxiety in Women

A new study conducted in Canada has found that healthy women who take the contraceptive pill may experience changes in the area of the brain that regulates anxiety. The research suggests that the use of the pill can make women more anxious, according to a report by Metro.

The study revealed that the area of the brain responsible for regulating emotions is disrupted by the use of the contraceptive pill. This disruption could potentially lead to an increased level of fear and anxiety in women who take the pill, compared to those who use other forms of contraception. Additionally, the researchers found that these effects on emotion regulation disappeared when women stopped taking the pill.

However, the researchers are quick to emphasize that while the findings are significant, no causal link has been proven. As a result, they are refraining from drawing major conclusions about the impact of the pill on the mental health of women.

The psychological effects of the contraceptive pill are often overlooked, with women typically being informed about the physical side effects, but not the potential psychological impacts. “As such a pill is widely used, it is important that we better understand its short- and long-term effects on brain anatomy and emotion regulation,” said researcher Alexandra Brouillard. She is planning a follow-up study to investigate the impact of age and duration of pill use on emotion regulation.

The study’s findings shed light on an important aspect of women’s health and add to the ongoing conversation about the potential psychological effects of hormonal contraception. As more research is conducted, it’s hoped that women will gain a clearer understanding of the impacts of different contraceptive options on their mental health.

By: National Healthcare Guide / Johanne Levinsky]
#anxiety #regulation #healthy #women #birth #control #pills

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