The controversy of the electricity bonus

by time news

It is amazing that a controversy is organized when there is no irregularity in receiving a benefit that is not only legal, but also makes all the sense. Common sense indicates that large families should be encouraged. Politicians fill their mouths with the problem of the age pyramid of the Spanish population. The Government has approved, once again by royal decree law, a pension reform with its sights set on the elections and, as always, without going into depth about the sustainability of the model. The bill grows month by month, but the only important thing for politicians is to act in the most exasperating short term. Our economy has serious structural problems that raise very disturbing questions about what the scenario will be like in a few years and how this spectacularly increasing pension payment will be dealt with. To deal with these deep problems we need to increase the population. In this sense, births are key, but it is essential that there is an environment that favors them. Therefore, the more, the better.

A new controversy, by the way, of great frivolity, has been generated by the collection of the electricity bonus that can be received without any income limit. At some point, they will realize that nothing is fair in politics. The spokesperson for Más Madrid lashed out at the Madrid vice president, whose impeccable track record supports him, because he receives an electricity bonus to which he is entitled as a large family. Then it turned out that she also sensed it. The behavior of both had been as impeccable as it was ethical, but I am going to complain that there is no more help for these families. The age of my daughters has meant that I have stopped being one, but I feel very proud of having been one. Mónica García was wrong in unleashing this controversy, because she would have to defend this aid, regardless of ideologies, because it is very difficult and entails important sacrifices, not only economic but also personal for couples, to have several children. It is a mistake to carry out these types of attacks without deeply assessing those resources and efforts that are made to support a family. The most progressive thing is that these aids be extended to the maximum.

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