The Controversy Surrounding Titanium Dioxide in Sunscreens: What You Need to Know

by time news

2023-07-19 18:04:29
Summer is here, the sun is shining, and we all know how important it is to protect our skin from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen is an indispensable part of our daily skin care routine. But a recent study has brought alarming results to light: A quarter of the 100 most scanned sunscreens contain the controversial ingredient titanium dioxide in nanoform.

Why is titanium dioxide in nanoform controversial?
Titanium dioxide is a mineral UV filter, which is used in many sunscreens to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. In normal particle size, titanium dioxide is considered a safe and recommended ingredient. Titanium dioxide is a substance that is used in sun creams in various particle sizes.

However, it has been shown that in Nanoform smaller particles are formed that may be able to penetrate the skin barrier. Once in the body, they have the potential to penetrate biological membranes, enter the bloodstream, or accumulate in organs and possibly harmful effects have. Although more research is needed, there are concerns about possible long-term health effects.

Which sunscreens are affected?
The investigation revealed that even many well-known brands and even children’s sunscreens contain the controversial ingredient. Confidence-inspiring additional designations such as “kids” or “natural cosmetics” have no meaning in relation to the controversial ingredient. It is almost impossible for consumers to make a safe product choice quickly, as manufacturers often do not provide clear information about the ingredients contained. The manufacturer or brand of a product often say nothing about it whether certain ingredients such as titanium dioxide (in nano form) are included or not. The best examples are the popular brands Nivea, SunDance (dm) and Garnier Ambre solaire, which offer many different sun protection products. It always depends on the individual product whether and how many harmless or questionable ingredients it contains – in addition to titanium dioxide, this often also includes hormonally active substances and poorly degradable polymers.

A positive development can be noted: Titanium dioxide in nanoform is slowly on the decline, as the investigation by and CodeCheck shows. Many products that previously contained titanium dioxide in nanoform are now available in new batches without this substance.

Alternatives to sunscreens with titanium dioxide
There are alternatives for consumers concerned about the use of titanium dioxide in sunscreen. Use some sunscreen mineral filters such as zinc oxide, which are considered safe and effective UV protection. These mineral filters reflect UV rays off the skin instead of absorbing them.

It is always advisable that Carefully check the ingredients on the packaging and to choose products that are free of controversial ingredients. Consumers should pay attention to transparent information from manufacturers and, if they have concerns, use sunscreens with alternative ingredients. Scanner apps such as CodeCheck can be helpful here to get an overview of the ingredients.]
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