The corruption of PDVSA has financed Chavismo I Opinion I Humberto González Briceño

by time news

They forgot the speech according to which money did not enter PDVSA due to the sanctions imposed on Venezuela.

Humberto Gonzalez Briceno

If something collapsed when the pot of corruption in PDVSA was uncovered, it is the discourse of sanctions used by the regime to justify the devastating economic crisis in Venezuela. If it was already a musty and languid discourse, now it has lost any foundation, given the indisputable evidence of the entry of exorbitant sums of money through PDVSA and other businesses such as food, despite the fact that Venezuelans only they can taste the minutiae from the CLAP bags.

The regime tried to divert attention to the choreographed presentation audience of the suspects, dressed in orange panties and pretending to be handcuffed, in what looked more like a show set up to be filmed by VTV cameras. A scene arranged to make their Chavista clienteles see that the government fights against corruption “whoever falls” says the slogan that they want to position in the prelude to the next electoral fraud.

Whose fault is it for making PDVSA the petty cash of a regime that has dedicated itself to plundering the Venezuelan nation?

The regime forgot the discourse of sanctions that it has been inoculating its followers, according to which the enemy is in the opposition, which has supposedly called for sanctions; and in the United States government, which has imposed them to drown the Venezuelan people.

In a country where the minimum wage is equivalent to a little more than 5 dollars; and the Food Basket stood at 388 dollars in February of this year, according to the Venezuelan Finance Observatory, it is embarrassing to hear the spokesmen for the regime —who have been in power for more than twenty years— talk about They are outraged by the corruption in PDVSA. PDVSA has always been an immense barrel of bottomless corruption for the Chavista regime, for which reason looking the other way and looking for other culprits is the exercise of the most perfidious bravado.

Whose fault is it for making PDVSA the petty cash of a regime that has dedicated itself to plundering the Venezuelan nation? The culprits are among the highest hierarchs of the Chavista regime and reach the most sinuous leeches that have approached them to line their pockets with Venezuelan money. Those who govern Venezuela today are not politicians. They are thugs who seized the state coffers, the oil industry; who have stolen for more than twenty years and continue to mock their own people with mediocre speeches to justify the enormous embezzlement to the nation.

Now Chavismo pretends to be indignant at such wealth that the accused thieves boast of; of the millions of dollars stolen, of the planes and mansions seized, of the prostitution networks revealed. But not only did they forget the speech according to which no money was coming into PDVSA due to the sanctions imposed on Venezuela; They also forgot that these accused thieves are the most emblematic representatives of the moral and political degradation in Venezuela known in the underworld with the token of the Bolivarian Revolution. Which all of them, without exception, have celebrated and from which they have lived.-


THE AUTHOR is a lawyer and political analyst, specializing in Negotiation and Conflict at California State University.

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