2024-05-01 04:47:27
ROMA. The Council of State confirms the expiration of the state concessions for beaches to 31 December last year, thus obliging the administrations to disapply any exceptions to 31 December 2024, and refers “to the principles of the EU Court of Justice” to “immediately start the tender procedure to assign the concession in a truly competitive”. The ruling underlines that the beach resource “is scarce”.
The reaction of the beachgoers
“We are dismayed by yet another ruling from the Council of State which does not even respect the Draghi law on the terms of 2024 pending a long-awaited reform of the seaside sector, nor the work required by the services directive on mapping that the Government is managing nor the formal negotiation with the EU Commission for a reform that we now believe is necessary to bring order to the sector. Against the courts that make the rules by replacing Parliament and also intervening on Euro-unitary principles. A situation of chaos that our country certainly cannot afford once the season has begun “. Marco Maurelli, president of Federbalneari Italia.
2024-05-01 04:47:27