the countdown of things to do

by time news

Michèle Loetzner knows what she’s talking about when it comes to travel. On his passport, there are two visas for Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Burma, Turkey, Peru, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, Laos and Japan, four for Cambodia and the Philippines, six for the United States and twenty-four for Thailand!

On the strength of her experience, she gives advice in the Southgerman newspaper in the form of a reverse schedule to prepare as well as possible when you want to go and settle (and work) abroad for some time.

One year before departure

The need to leave is often a very sudden feeling. The desire has probably been there for a long time, but then there is a tipping point.”

  • Learn about your business

However, it is almost always impossible to tackle everything overnight. The first thing to do is to find out about the possibilities of telecommuting abroad that your company offers. Some allow it all over the world, others only in Europe and still others not at all. This is both a matter of internal policy and insurance. Find out about the time slots for mandatory online presence.

Ask if you have to commit to leaving for a given period or if the date of your return is negotiable. Michèle Loetzner recommends leaving for at least three months to make the most of this experience, but beware of homesickness if you stay for more than a year.

If it is not possible in your company to telecommute from abroad, you can take a sabbatical. “If that’s not possible either, you should consider whether you still want to work for such a company. After all, a job is not a prison,” emphasizes Michèle Loetzner.

  • Create a realistic financial plan

Then you have to ask yourself how much money you will need. Basic rule: it is necessary to count broad, because even if the cost of living on the spot is lower, it is necessary to take into account the international flights and the costs of installation, in addition to the unforeseen ones.

It is difficult to work as soon as he arrives, and even to feel comfortable right away. It is better to go to the destination of your choice a few days before the start of your contract, or even to make a preparatory trip upstream.

Nine months before departure

If you have children, find out about daycare and schooling options for the youngest, distance learning (Cned type) and international schools for older children.

Also check now whether you need a visa and what documents are required.

Six months before departure

If you are a tenant and want to sublet your accommodation, you must obtain the agreement of your landlord. Beware of additional taxes in the event of rental or subletting on platforms such as Airbnb as well as taxes on rents collected.

Three months before departure

It’s time to find out about insurance (health and others) for foreign countries. Some countries will not allow you to move there without such insurance.

You can also start looking for accommodation on the spot, at least for the first time, even if it means changing afterwards according to your needs. “It saves time and energy, because I can assure you of one thing I have had a painful experience of: standing in a traffic jam in Chiang Mai for an hour every morning while the fields surroundings are burned during the so-called fire season is not good for your lungs or your sanity.”

Finally, consider canceling your press subscriptions, your contracts for the car, the gym and the pass for public transport.

Two months before departure

The time for lists has arrived. Note everything. Organize the forwarding of your mail.

Check if you are up to date with your vaccinations and if you need new ones depending on your destination.

Sign up for an on-site language course.

One month before departure

Tidy up and empty your apartment. Leave a manual for those who will occupy it in your absence. Leave a set of keys with at least two different people.

Two weeks before departure

“Old backpacker’s wisdom: you only need half of what you packed.”

Sort. Ready? Go!!

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