The counting of the double envelopes began; Likud expresses fear of fakes

by time news

The counting of the double envelope votes has begun, when, according to the Likud, the election committee does not allow inspectors from the factions to verify that the counting is going well. In the meantime, another intermediate result was published, representing 89% of the votes counted. The Meretz party is moving even further away from the blocking percentage all the details

The election committee started counting the double envelopes tonight, which make up about 450 thousand additional votes. When, according to the Likud’s claim, the director general of the election committee, Orly Ades, prevents the representatives of the factions from supervising the procedure of counting the duplicate envelopes.

The Likud reported: The Director General of the Election Committee, Orly Ades, prevents the representatives of the factions in the Central Election Committee from supervising the work of counting the duplicate envelopes. In an unprecedented manner and contrary to the law, she ordered a rope to be placed between the area where the envelopes are counted and the members of the Election Committee who supervise the counters, in a way which does not allow them to supervise the counting procedure as required by their duties.

Attorney Ilan Bombach, Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Committee on behalf of the Likud, appealed to Ms. Ades with the demand to immediately remove the illegal obstruction and allow him to perform his duties and oversee the process of counting the envelopes, but for an unknown reason she refused and as of now there is no possibility to properly supervise Count the envelopes and there may be mistakes and forgeries.

Ilan Bombach next to the chairman of the committee Judge Yitzhak Amit | Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

In the meantime, the Election Commission published additional interim results after counting about 89.0% of the votes, from which it appears that there is no change in the state of mandates and blocs, apart from the fact that ‘Marech’ moved further away from the blocking percentage.

And this is the result as of this hour:

Likud – 32
There is a future – 24
Religious Zionism – 14
The state camp – 12
Shas – 11
Torah Judaism – 8
Israel Beytinu – 5
Ra’am – 5
Hadash Ta’al – 5
Labor – 4, 3.55%

do not pass:
Meretz – 3.17%
BLD – 3.04%
The Jewish Home – 1.16%

The image of the blocks:
Netanyahu supporters – 65
Hadash Ta’al – 5
The current coalition – 50

The spokesperson of the Central Election Committee responds to the Likud’s claims and says: “To maintain the order of movement of hundreds of people who were recruited for the purpose of counting the votes, a rigging of marking tape was placed in order to distribute the double envelopes in order to open them.”

In his words, he attacks the Likud without mentioning the name of the party and its representative: “Just like yesterday, before the counting of the votes had even begun, certain parties had already started spreading baseless rumors about “irregularities”. So today, even before the counting of the double envelopes had begun, There has already been a demand from certain parties for a “recount” that has not yet begun as stated. We must condemn the personal aggrandizement of the general director of the election commission that was circulated.”

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