the country dawns militarized, with a curfew and more than 16 dead

by time news

Given the growth of protests by defenders of the former president of Peru, Pedro Castillodismissed and detained in pretrial detention, the new president In Boluarte decreed the State of Emergency, which suspended rights such as assembly and free transit, and sent armed forces to collaborate with the Police, which aggravated the crisis. In ayacuchoat South of that country, 8 people died.

The Police cleared the roadblocks in the north and south of the country, but due to the increase in violence in the protests, they issued curfew in 15 provinces. For five days, in some regions, the measure begins at 6:00 p.m., in others at 7:00 p.m., and also at 8:00 p.m. and runs until 4:00 a.m. it implies total restriction of movementwith the exception of some professions such as health.

Boluarte, who was Castillo’s vice president and took office after the now ex-president was removed by Congress, sought to calm the protests by announcing early elections to April 2024. It was not enough and two days ago he anticipated that they could be held in December 2023.

Dozens of people enter the Ayacucho airport during protests. Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

But also, to control the protests sent to the armed forceswhich further aggravated the crisis on a bloody Thursday.

In ayacucho, protesters tried to take over the Alfredo Mendívil Duarte airport, 560 kilometers southeast of Lima. They clashed with the Police who repressed and, as confirmed by the Ayacucho Regional Health Directorate (Diresa), eight people died and 52 were injured.

With the news of the first deaths, the anger intensified and protesters attacked the Public Ministry building, where they burned the main door, offices and vehiclesas well as the headquarters of the Prosecutor’s Office and the justices of the peace.

But the outlook could be worse. The regional governor of Ayacucho, Carlos Rua, indicated that two of the wounded must be evacuated to Lima urgently. “The number of deaths it may increaseRua said.

With the first two killed by the repression, the Ombudsman, an autonomous body. launched a strong demand to the government.

“After the death of two people and dozens injured during the attempt to take over the airport by protesters, we demand that the Joint Command immediately cease the use of firearms and tear gas bombs dropped from helicopters,” he urged.

Dozens of people enter the Ayacucho airport during protests.  Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

Dozens of people enter the Ayacucho airport during protests. Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

After midnight and with the number of victims in Ayacucho, Boluarte expressed himself on social networks.

“We cry the crying of the mothers in Ayacucho and we suffer the pain of the families throughout the country. Today, in a sad day of violence, we again regret the death of Peruvians. My deep condolences to the relatives. I reiterate my call for peace “, wrote.

But before that message, the president deepened the measures with the curfew for the most troubled regions of Cusco, Arequipa, Ica, La Libertad, Apurímac, Puno, Huancavelica and Ayacucho.

It rules in the provinces of Arequipa, Viru, Ica, Pisco, Andahuaylas, Chincheros, Cisco, La Convention, Chumbivilcas, Spin, Carabaya, San Roman, Tayacaja, Angaraes and Cangallo.

Parallel to the violent protests and police repression, in some cities where demonstrations took place there were later marches of people in white T-shirts to demand an end to the violence.

In Ayacucho, 7 people died due to clashes between protesters and police.  Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

In Ayacucho, 7 people died due to clashes between protesters and police. Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez

The Castillo protesters not only ask for the temporary closure of Congress, elections now and a Constituent Assembly, but also the release of the former president, who on Wednesday night had an adverse court ruling for which he will serve 18 months in preventive detention.

From the place of detention, Castillo feeds the protests through several letters that posts on social media. And it is expected that from the court ruling, the tension will continue to increase.

The crisis also affects other regions and has an impact on one of the activities that brings the most income to Peru, The tourism. The Cusco airport has been closed for five days and the regional governor Jean Paul Benavente García highlighted that there are more than 6 thousand tourists stranded in the Cusco region.

Curfew Details

The decree that declares the curfew from the afternoon until four in the morning in 15 provinces states: “Declare for the term of five calendar days, the mandatory social immobilization of all people in their homes, within the framework of the State of Emergency During compulsory social immobilization”

“People can circulate on roads for public use for the acquisition, production and supply of foodwhich includes its storage and distribution for sale to the public,” he adds.

The curfew exempts strictly necessary personnel, which includes: health services, medicines, water services, sanitation, agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, transportation, surveillance and security, delivery, restaurants and hotels.

It also exempts “financial services, electricity, gas, fuel, telecommunications and related activities, cleaning and collection of solid waste, funeral services, and related activities.”

Lima, special envoy


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